Just my personal take on an async application kernel. It has injection management, simple module system, and a few other things.
Notable features are:
- Dependency injection
- Module with lifecycle hooks and dependency order
- Scheduled tasks with CRON and injections
- Built in event bus and respective decorators
yarn add @hisorange/kernel
const kernel = new Kernel();
kernel.register([MyModule, SecondModule]);
await kernel.boostrap();
await kernel.start();
kernel.stop().then(() => process.exit(0)),
providers: [],
imports: [ConfigModule],
dependsOn: [DatabaseModule],
export class MyModule implements IModule {
public async onBoot() {
// Executed in dependency order, you can setup your module here.
// And the dependencies are already booted.
public async onStart() {
// Runs after every module is booted.
// Can do any async tasks here.
public async onStop() {
// Called when a stop signal is received.
export class MyScheduler {
constructor(private readonly myService: MyService) {}
name: 'my-named-job',
timings: '*/5 * * * * *',
public async myJob() {
export class MyObserver {
constructor(private readonly myService: MyService) {}
@On('sql.query', {
debounce: 1_000,
public async onSqlQUery() {
Once I gotta write a proper readme, but for now, this is it.