A frontend application, built on top of silex, to let users identify and standardize (Dutch historical) place names.
The app uses the API of the Dutch Historical Geocoder as it is being developed in the "Erfgoed & Locatie" project.
git clone this repository to a directory
In a terminal: move into your directory
Download Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
And run
php composer.phar install
Create a database based on the file:
Rename the
to parameters.php and change the configuration settings for db, email etc. according to your setup -
Create a virtual host or point your browser to the location you set up for this site
Composers post install script should have created the following dirs and made them writeable for the web server: app/storage/cache, app/storage/log, app/storage/uploads If the last step failed do this manually:
sudo chmod 777 app/storage/cache app/storage/log app/storage/uploads
On going to production; change the run mode in
to use the http_cache