npx react-native init MyTestApp --template @hithaprani/react-native-template-genericapp
will generate a new reac-native project whith following things
- folder structure
- Most used packages like net-info, device-info, asyncstorage
- navigation(with 3 pages)
- landing, login, Home(includes drawer)
- generalised from inputs
- see *src/UI/common/Input* for more details
- AppConfig in *src/Providers* can manage following in app based on user Input
- change language, theme(images can also be changed based on theme)
- Font famiy can be configured with ease
- copy font files to *assets/fonts* folder and run
npx react-native link (or) yarn react-native link
- copy font files to *assets/fonts* folder and run
- Button and Header can have a gradient/solid background found in *src\UI\common* folder