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Sprint 4

sunyixin1 edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

|Sprint4|User story |Prepare the materials for midterm check|Time|2023/09/25 to 2023/09/29|Project Owner|Sun Yixin |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Activity |Time |Response |Priority |Criteria | |---------------------------------------|-------|----------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Intergrate all the work |1 day |Sun Yixin |High |Create a notebook with ample explanations and considerations on ethics | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Heat map |2 days |Martin Van Andel|Middle |The heatmap is interactive with the option to select the type of | | | | | | |incidents shown | |Visualization |Bar chart |5 hours|Sun Yixin |Middle |A clear explanation shows the bar chart and how it works | |optimization |Heat map - COROP |2 days |Heisuke Miyoshi |Middle |The heat map can show the number of incidents per COROP zone | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gather data from clustering |4 days |Martijn Stok |Low |Data gathered for each cluster with regard to number of incident points| | | | | |average distances (with approximations) and explaining results | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ethics |1 day |Martin Van Andel|Middle |A document with several considerations on multiple ethical aspects | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Path finding model |4 days |Klaas |High |finding shortest path between two arbitrary points on the highway network|
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tech stack |Python |Dataset |Csv file with incidents provides the location and the duration of incidents |

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