An API service for the CDS Financials project, which serves to:
- proxy requests from the front-end (public) service, with circuit breaker protection, to HoDs (SPS, ETMP, etc.)
This application lives in the "protected" zone. It integrates with:
- Secure Payments Service (SPS) via Messaging Delivery Group (MDG)
- Enterprise Tax Management Platform (ETMP) via MDG
The MDG integrations are:
- DUD09 (ACC27) Accounts and Balances
- ACC24 Historic document requests
- ACC28 Guarantee transactions
- ACC29 Retrieve standing authorities
- ACC30 Manage standing authorities (change permissions)
- ACC31 Retrieve cash account transaction listings
- ACC37 Amend duty deferment contact details
- ACC38 Retrieve duty deferment contact details
- SUB09 View account authorities
- SUB21 Retrieve EORI history
- DEC64 Submit file upload
In dev/test environments, the upstream services are stubbed out using the customs-financials-hods-stub.
Path | Description |
POST /customs-financials-api/eori/accounts | Request to retrieve accounts & balances |
POST /customs-financials-api/historic-document-request | Request to retrieve historic document |
POST /customs-financials-api/account/guarantee/open-transactions | Request to retrieve guarantee transactions summary |
POST /customs-financials-api/account/guarantee/open-transactions-detail | Request to retrieve guarantee transactions detail |
POST /customs-financials-api/account/cash/transactions | Request to retrieve cash transactions summary |
POST /customs-financials-api/account/cash/transactions-detail | Request to retrieve cash transactions detail |
GET /customs-financials-api/account-authorities | Request to retrieve account authorities |
POST /customs-financials-api/account-authorities/grant | Request to grant authority on account |
POST /customs-financials-api/account-authorities/revoke | Request to revoke authority on account |
POST /customs-financials-api/duty-deferment/update-contact-details | Request to update duty deferment contact details |
POST /customs-financials-api/duty-deferment/contact-details | Request to retrieve duty deferment contact details |
GET /customs-financials-api/eori/:eori/validate | Request to validate EORI |
GET /customs-financials-api/eori/:eori/notifications | Request to retrieve notifications for given EORI |
DELETE /customs-financials-api/eori/:eori/notifications/:fileRole | Request to delete non requested notifications for given EORI |
DELETE /customs-financials-api/eori/:eori/requested-notifications/:fileRole | Request to delete requested notifications for given EORI |
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
- 500 In case of a system error such as time out, server down etc, thishttps status code will be returned
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
"eoriHistory": [
"eori": "historicEori1",
"validFrom": "2001-01-20T00:00:00Z",
"validTo": "2001-01-20T00:00:00Z"
"eori": "historicEori2",
"validFrom": "2001-01-20T00:00:00Z",
"validTo": "2001-01-20T00:00:00Z"
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
"declarantEori":"Declarant EORI",
"consigneeEori":"Consignee EORI",
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
"balance":"balance 1",
"declarantEori":"Declarant EORI",
"consigneeEori":"Consignee EORI",
"originalCharge":"charge 1",
"interestCharge":"interest rate 1",
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
"authorisedEori":"Agent EORI",
"authorisedFromDate":"from date",
"authorisedToDate":"to date",
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
{"accounts":{"cash":"345","dutyDeferments":["123","754"],"guarantee":"54345"},"authority":{"authorisedEori":"authorisedEori","authorisedFromDate":"2018-11-09","viewBalance":true},"authorisedUser":{"userName":"some name","userRole":"some role"},"editRequest":false}
Returns true/false
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
{"accountNumber":"123","accountType":"CDSCash","authorisedEori":"authorisedEori","authorisedUser":{"userName":"some name","userRole":"some role"}}
Returns true/false
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
{"dan":"1234567","eori":"testEORI","name":"CHANGED MYNAME","addressLine1":"New Road","addressLine3":"Edinburgh","postCode":"AB12 3CD","countryCode":"GB","email":"[email protected]"}
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 400 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 403 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
HTTP Header | Acceptable value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Accept | application/vnd.hmrc.1.0+json |
- 200 If the request is processed successful and a resource is created
- 403 This status code will be returned in case of incorrect data, incorrect data format, missing parameters etc are provided in the request
sbt "run 9878"
to start in DEV
mode or
sbt "start -Dhttp.port=9878"
to run in PROD
for dependent services to be ran via service manager.
There is just one test source tree in the test
folder. Use sbt test
to run them.
To get a unit test coverage report, you can run sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
then open the resulting coverage report target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html
in a web browser.
Test coverage threshold is set at 90% - so if you commit any significant amount of implementation code without writing tests, you can expect the build to fail.
This is a sbt command alias specific to this project. It will run a scala style check, run unit tests, run integration tests and produce a coverage report:
sbt runAllChecks