Generate Markov chains in the style of your favorite artists!
DJMarkov works by querying the MusicBrainz metadata database. It finds albums by the artist you specify, and creates a Markov chain with as many songs as it can find the lyrics to. Lyrics are found via LyricsWikia, using the PyLyrics library.
#Dependencies You can install DJMarkov's dependencies through pip:
pip install musicbrainzngs
pip install PyLyrics
Run python "your-artist"
You can optionally specify a limit to the number of songs used. Otherwise, all available songs are used.
usage: [-h] artist [song_limit]
Let DJMarkov spit fire in the style of your favorite artist.
positional arguments:
artist artist whose style DJMarkov will attempt to imitate
song_limit how many songs to use. Defaults to all available songs.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit