Version 2 of the control software for the Tesseract.
The Tesseract is an 8 x 8 x 8 monochrome array of LEDs controlled by an set of TLC LED driver chips.
It comes in two parts in Python:
: The numpy-based Python application that generates effect events and sends frames to display on the Tesseract.tesseract-simulator
: The Python application that displays frames if you don't have real Tesseract hardware to display them on.
And one part in C:
- A hardware driver that displays frames on the real Tesseract hardware.
The pieces communicate using ZeroMQ.
Version 1 of the software is available at and was written entirely in C with an abandoned implementation in Python.
- Add f(xy, t) -> z sprite.
- Add a few animations using f(xy, t) -> t.
- Add rain animation.
- Shuffling blocks animation.
- Slow down all / some animations.
- Initial effectbox implementation.
- Simple effect for testing.
- Initial simulator.
- Cube sprite.
- Sphere sprite.
- Text animation.
- Uninvert layers.
- Fix missing corner in cube sprite.
- Never repeat the same animation straight after itself.
- Nothing yet.
- Nothing yet.
- No implemented yet.
Install the Tesseract control software:
$ pip install tessled[simulator] # not yet available
$ pip install -e .[simulator] # for development
$ pip install -e .[spidev] # for driving the LEDs on the Raspberry Pi
Run the API, EffectBox and simulator:
$ tesseract-effectbox $ tesseract-simulator
Or run everything together at once:
$ tesseract-runner
Or run the SPI LED driver on the Pi:
$ tesseract-spidev-driver