A website for local small or big barber shop businesses. This design has all the basic necessity components for a successful business online presents. The website is reponsive and accessible on any mobile devices.
Link to the Website: https://codepen.io/hodin81/full/MWVVvBN
Tech Used: HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript
Tutorial Video from Easy Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBfshkPlMW8&t=221s
- Learned to create a nav menu slider function by using addEventListener "click" and style via JavaScript.
- Learned to create and apply hover overlay text effect on images using opacity, transform: translateX(), and transition via CSS.
- Learned to create and apply hover tilting up effect on boxes using transform: translateY() via CSS.
- Learned to create and apply sliding hover effect on buttons using z-index, span, and transition via CSS.
- Learned to apply cferdinandi's smooth-scroll script JavaScript for smooth scrolling effect when using the navigation menu.
- Added main.js file to create Nav Menu Slider function.
- Added icons from fontawesome v5.
- Added link to location text in the contact page which open a new page to show the exact location of shop on Google Map.
- Added "mailto" link to email text in the contact page which open a new emailing message page addressing to the email provided.
- Added addtional CSS styling for mobile viewport layout.
Take a look at these couple examples that I have in my own portfolio:
- Kevin Portfolio Website: https://github.com/hodinsay/Kevin-Portfolio-Website/tree/master
- Din Portfolio Website: https://github.com/hodinsay/Din-Portfolio-Website