This is the Gecko release of PiTubeDirect.
This is an updated release of Gecko with fixes for the RPI4.
It replaces the original Gecko release (commit c2a34b6 dated 30/12/2020).
Changes since Gecko (original release):
- Critical fix for boot failure on RPI4
- Critical fix for incorrect serial port rate on RPI4
Changes since Fer-De-Lance include:
- Added Dossytronics 65816 Co Po (Co Pro 18)
- Added ReCo 65816 Co Po (Co Pro 19)
- Added Ferranti F100 Co Processor (Co Pro 28)
- 6502 Co Pro: CALL &2000 lists the available Co Processors (#71, from MinceBert)
- 6502 Co Pro: Fix interrupt issue that causes Acornsoft Chess to crash (#75)
- 32016 Co Pro: Fix disassebly of shift operations
- Native ARM Co Pro: Reorganise the memory map so 216MB is available (#78)
- Native ARM Co Pro: added *HELP COPROS (#83)
- Native ARM Co Pro: added *ARMBASIC command (BAS135 built in) (#79)
- Native ARM Co Pro: avoid &8000-&BFFF getting trashed by language transfer
- Native ARM Co Pro: several other minor bug fixes (#73,#74, #76, #77, #111, #112)
- GPU: Workaround a clock noise issue with some level shifters ( #70 )