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Pi VDU Fonts

David Banks edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

This page shows the available Pi VDU Driver fonts.

The following program was used to dump the fonts:

   10 MODE 800,540,8
   20 VDU 5
   30 VDU 23,1,0;0;0;0;
   40 FOR N=0 TO 40
   50 CLS
   60 MOVE 0,1040
   70 VDU 23,19,0,0,2,2;0;0
   80 VDU 23,19,128,N;0;0;0
   90 PRINT " (font number ";N;")"
  100 VDU 23,19,0,N;0;0;0
  110 FOR I=0 TO 1
  120 IF I=1 PRINT
  130 VDU 23,19,1,2-I,2-I;0;0;
  140 VDU 23,19,3,I;0;0;0
  150 FOR A=0 TO 255
  160 IF A MOD 32=0 PRINT
  170 VDU 27,A
  180 NEXT
  190 NEXT
  200 Z=GET
  210 NEXT

Each font is shown twice:

  • without character rounding (and a font scale of 2)
  • with character rounding (and a font scale of 1)

In most cases the effect of character rounding is subtle (or non-existant). But it significantly improves font 22 (SCRIPT) and the fonts 32-39 (the SAA505x for which it is designed).

The following screen shots were captured using cheap HDMI capture dongle. The Pi was running at 1920x1080, and a custom 800x540 screen mode was used to avoid scaling artifacts.