- Publish to Bintray
- Publish to Maven Central
- Add to zio ecosystem
- Import more controls and layouts
- More possibilities to subscrbe events
- GuiHelpers evoluton to SimpleDialogDSL
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("holinov", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "FruTTecH" %% "zio-swing-core" % "0.0.3"
package example
import java.awt.Dimension
import javax.swing.JScrollPane
import zio._
import zio.gui.zswing.components._
import zio.gui.zswing.components.ZLayoutManager._
import zio.gui.zswing.components.ZMenu._
object ExampleUiApp extends App {
private def die(ex: Throwable): Int = {
println(s"ERROR: $ex")
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, Int] = {
def buildMenu(frame: ZFrame) = root(
menu("File")(item("Exit", frame.dispose)),
menu("Sub2")(itemNoOp("Item 2"), itemNoOp("Item 3")),
itemNoOp("Item 4")
def buildMainScreen(implicit c: ZComponentFactory[Task]) = {
def leftMenu(contents: ZLabel) =
for {
lst <- c.list((0 to 100).map(idx => s"SYMBOL $idx"): _*)
_ <- lst.onSimpleSelect(selected => contents.text(selected))
pane <- ZIO.effect(ZComponent(new JScrollPane(lst.component))) // You could import raw SWING components
_ <- pane.setPreferredSize(100, 300)
} yield pane
def rightPart(contents: ZLabel) =
for {
container <- c.border
buttons <- ZIO.foreach((1 to 10).map(v => s"Butt $v"))(
txt => c.button(txt, _ => contents.text(txt))
actionButtonsRow <- c.flow(buttons: _*)
_ <- contents.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(500, 500))
_ <- container.add(actionButtonsRow, Border.Constraints.PageStart)
_ <- container.add(contents, Border.Constraints.Center)
} yield container
for {
contents <- c.label("TEST")
root <- c.box(false)
leftMenu <- leftMenu(contents)
rightPart <- rightPart(contents)
_ <- root.addAll(leftMenu, rightPart)
} yield root
val logic = for {
content <- buildMainScreen
frame <- ZFrame.make(s"UIBot")
mainMenu <- buildMenu(frame)
_ <- frame.setMenu(mainMenu)
_ <- frame.show(content)
_ <- frame.show.fork
_ <- frame.waitWindowClosed
} yield ()
logic.fold(die, _ => 0)