Clic Day Project 2014: Determine the number of bases we sequence per day
All files that match
and are newer than X file
in X file, as a csv:
- list all files that are newer
- list their size in bytes
- list their size difference from last time (if they are a new entry, it is the file size)
- #of bytes sequenced yesterday = the sum of the size differences.
Next steps:
- record these daily reports, and do statistics!!!
- give this daily report to ranauq
- BCL files will not change after they are written-- so depend on time stamps more than regex. Look at the mtime of directories to determine if files have changed.
- Cx.y => "x cycle attempt y". Only read ONE cycle of x: the latest attempt (highest y value). eg. if the present cycles are C1.1 C1.2 C2.1, only read C1.2 and C2.1
- nice to have: filter the BCL by quality; error check the BCL byte by byte; record data on a per-machine or per-run basis for better stats collection; dates
RYAN: function: takes in a date, returns a list of files matching criteria ^ that have timestamp newer than the input file
HOLLY: function: takes in hash of hash of machines/files/sizes, and 1 csv file sums the sizes by machines and in totals prints the data nicely formatted to the csv function: main. Looks at the csv file, gets the date, passes it into ryan's function, then passes the returned hash into printing function