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Spot The Bot

A cooperative WebVR game by Hook Studios.

Try the game here

Checkout other WebVR experiments here


As of 9/11/2018, the WebVR API is no longer supported so some features may not work as intended.

Building Locally

All of the build scripts are run through npm. Here are some common tasks:

  • npm run build - Rebuild the project into the out folder.
  • npm run watch - Rebuild the project and watch for changes.
  • npm run serve - Start a BrowserSync server, serving the out folder.
  • npm run prod - Rebuild the project for production; this will take a little extra time.
  • npm run gae - Rebuild the project for production and copy the out folder to gae/static to prep for deployment.

You can run the game locally by running npm run watch in one terminal and npm run server in another.

Static Dependencies

Some of the dependencies are included as static external scripts, because the are incompatible with Rollup, they slow down the build process too much, or they are not available through NPM.

Library Version
dat.gui 0.6.2
Font Awesome 4.7.0
Firebase 3.6.10
Normalize.css 5.0.0
seedrandom 2.4.0
three.js r84
TweenMax 1.19.0
Vue 2.2.0
WebVR Polyfill 807d594