Game project for ESC
Features implemented:
- Lobby (Creating a game lobby, allowing players to join the lobby to start the game)
- Multiplayer network (Able to play with other players through the Internet)
- Spawning of players on different parts of the arena (So they don't spawn at the same location at the start of the game)
- UI of Player's health, joystick, skills (player can see his current health, move using joystick and use his skills through buttons)
- Arrow skill pickups
- Taichi shield reflects projectile with speed multiplier
- Taichi shield shows cooldown of skill after use
- Arrow reflections of objects (the arena boundaries and taichi shield, basically its bounce physics)
- Arrow deduct health of Player and deduction is visible in player's UI
- Animations of player while doing various actions (moving, shooting, using taichi shield)
- Creation of arena with custom assets
- Sound effects while doing actions
- Visual cues when players are doing action, so other players can preempt them
- Win/Lose screens