iCodeGenerator is a database centric template based code generator for any text(ascii) programming language like C, PHP, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Perl, Python... Supported databases are SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
{DATABASE.NAME} Returns the database name.
- {TABLE.NAME} Returns the table name.
- {TABLE.SCHEMA} Returns the table schema.
- {TABLE.COLUMNS}...{/TABLE.COLUMNS} Its a placeholder for the Column tags. Which can have the attributes of PRIMARY, NOPRIMARY or ALL (default) to filter which columns to process.
{COLUMN.TYPE} Returns the column type.
{COLUMN.DEFAULT} Returns the column default value.
{COLUMN.NAME} Returns the column name.
{COLUMN.LENGTH} Returns the column length
{MAP COLUMN.TYPE} Returns the mapping value to the column type defined in the config file: DataTypeMapping.xml. Conditional Statements
{IF NOT COLUMN.NULLABLE}{/IF} Condition to test if column is nullable or not.
{IF COLUMN.TYPE EQ ‘int’}{/IF} Condition to test if column equals a SQL type.
{IF COLUMN.NAME =~ ‘Id’}{/IF} Condition to test if the name of the column contains a string.
{IF NOT LAST},{/IF} Condition to test if it is the last column.
- {NAME_OF_YOUR_TAG} Custom Values are Key/Value Pairs that you can define to use on a template.
public class {TABLE.NAME PASCAL}Mapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<{TABLE.NAME PASCAL}Model>,IRegisterMapping
public {TABLE.NAME PASCAL}Mapping()
Property(i => i.{COLUMN.NAME PASCAL}).HasColumnName("{COLUMN.NAME}").HasColumnType("{COLUMN.TYPE}"){IF NOT COLUMN.NULLABLE}.IsRequired(){/IF};
public class {TABLE.NAME PASCAL}Model:Entity
/// <summary>
/// </summary>