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Azure - HPCC AKS Root Module

This module is intended as an example for development and test systems only. It can be used as a blueprint to develop your own production version that meets your organization's security requirements.


This module deploys an HPCC AKS cluster using remote modules that are listed below.

Remote Modules

These are the list of all the remote modules.

Name Description URL Required
subscription Queries enabled azure subscription from host machine yes
naming Enforces naming conventions - yes
metadata Provides metadata yes
resource_group Creates a resource group yes
virtual_network Creates a virtual network yes

Supported Arguments

The admin block

This block contains information on the user who is deploying the cluster. This is used as tags and part of some resource names to identify who deployed a given resource and how to contact that user. This block is required.

Name Description Type Default Required
name Name of the admin. string - yes
email Email address for the admin. string - yes

Usage Example:
admin = {
    name  = "Example"
    email = "[email protected]"

The disable_naming_conventions block

When set to true, this attribute drops the naming conventions set forth by the python module. This attribute is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
disable_naming_conventions Disable naming conventions. bool false no

The metadata block

TThe arguments in this block are used as tags and part of resources’ names. This block can be omitted when disable_naming_conventions is set to true.

Name Description Type Default Required
project_name Name of the project. string "" yes
product_name Name of the product. string hpcc no
business_unit Name of your bussiness unit. string "" no
environment Name of the environment. string "" no
market Name of market. string "" no
product_group Name of product group. string "" no
resource_group_type Resource group type. string "" no
sre_team Name of SRE team. string "" no
subscription_type Subscription type. string "" no

Usage Example:

metadata = {    
    project             = "hpccdemo"
    product_name        = "example"
    business_unit       = "commercial"
    environment         = "sandbox"
    market              = "us"
    product_group       = "contoso"
    resource_group_type = "app"
    sre_team            = "hpccplatform"
    subscription_type   = "dev"

The tags argument

The tag attribute can be used for additional tags. The tags must be key value pairs. This block is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
tags Additional resource tags. map(string) admin no

The virtual_network block

This block imports metadata of a virtual network deployed outside of this project. This block is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
private_subnet_id The ID of the private subnet. string - yes
public_subnet_id The ID of the public subnet. string - yes
route_table_id The ID of the route table for the AKS. string - yes
location The location of the virtual network string - yes

Usage Example:

virtual_network = {
    private_subnet_id = ""
    public_subnet_id  = ""
    route_table_id    = ""
    location          = ""

The node_pools block

The node-pools block supports the following arguments:
system - (Required) The system or default node pool. This node pool hosts the system pods by default. The possible arguments for this block are defined below.

addpool - (Required) The additional node pool configuration. This block name is changeable and must be unique across all additional node pools. At least one additional node pool is required. The possible arguments for this block are defined below.

The system block

This block creates a system node pool. This block is required.

Name Optional, Required Description
vm_size Optional The size of the Virtual Machine, such as Standard_A4_v2.
node_count Optional The initial number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000 and between min_count and max_count.
enable_auto_scalling Optional Should the Kubernetes Auto Scaler be enabled for this Node Pool? Defaults to false.
min_count Optional The minimum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. Can only be set when enable_auto_scalling is set to true.
max_count Optional The maximum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. Can only be set when enable_auto_scalling is set to true.
availability_zones Optional A list of Availability Zones across which the Node Pool should be spread. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
enable_host_encryption Optional Should the nodes in the Default Node Pool have host encryption enabled? Defaults to false. Can only be enabled on new node pools. Requires VirtualMachineScaleSets as VM type. Can only be enabled in Azure regions that support server-side encryption of Azure managed disks and only with specific supported VM sizes.
enable_node_public_ip Optional Should nodes in this Node Pool have a Public IP Address? Defaults to false.
max_pods Optional The maximum number of pods that can run on each agent.
node_labels Optional A map of Kubernetes labels which should be applied to nodes in the Default Node Pool.
only_critical_addons_enable Optional Enabling this option will taint default node pool with CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule taint. When set to true, only system pods will be scheduled on the system node pool.
orchestrator_version Optional Version of Kubernetes used for the Agents. If not specified, the latest recommended version will be used at provisioning time (but won't auto-upgrade).
os_disk_size_gb Optional The size of the OS Disk which should be used for each agent in the Node Pool.
os_disk_type Optional The type of disk which should be used for the Operating System. Possible values are Ephemeral and Managed. Defaults to Managed.
type Optional The type of Node Pool which should be created. Possible values are AvailabilitySet and VirtualMachineScaleSets. Defaults to VirtualMachineScaleSets.
tags Optional A mapping of tags to assign to the Node Pool.
subnet Optional The ID of a Subnet where the Kubernetes Node Pool should exist.

The addpool block

This block creates additional node pools. This block is optional.

Name Optional, Required Description
node_taints Optional A list of Kubernetes taints which should be applied to nodes in the agent pool (e.g key=value:NoSchedule). Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
max_surge Required The maximum number or percentage of nodes which will be added to the Node Pool size during an upgrade.
eviction_policy Optional The Eviction Policy which should be used for Virtual Machines within the Virtual Machine Scale Set powering this Node Pool. Possible values are Deallocate and Delete. Will only be used when priority is set to Spot. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
os_type Optional The Operating System which should be used for this Node Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Possible values are Linux and Windows. Defaults to Linux.
priority Optional The Priority for Virtual Machines within the Virtual Machine Scale Set that powers this Node Pool. Possible values are Regular and Spot. Defaults to Regular. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
proximity_placement_group_id Optional The ID of the Proximity Placement Group where the Virtual Machine Scale Set that powers this Node Pool will be placed. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
spot_max_price Optional The maximum price you're willing to pay in USD per Virtual Machine. Valid values are -1 (the current on-demand price for a Virtual Machine) or a positive value with up to five decimal places. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
vm_size Optional The size of the Virtual Machine, such as Standard_A4_v2.
node_count Optional The initial number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000 and between min_count and max_count.
enable_auto_scalling Optional Should the Kubernetes Auto Scaler be enabled for this Node Pool? Defaults to false.
min_count Optional The minimum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. Can only be set when enable_auto_scalling is set to true.
max_count Optional The maximum number of nodes which should exist in this Node Pool. If specified this must be between 1 and 1000. Can only be set when enable_auto_scalling is set to true.
availability_zones Optional A list of Availability Zones across which the Node Pool should be spread. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
enable_host_encryption Optional Should the nodes in the Default Node Pool have host encryption enabled? Defaults to false. Can only be enabled on new node pools. Requires VirtualMachineScaleSets as VM type. Can only be enabled in Azure regions that support server-side encryption of Azure managed disks and only with specific supported VM sizes.
enable_node_public_ip Optional Should nodes in this Node Pool have a Public IP Address? Defaults to false.
max_pods Optional The maximum number of pods that can run on each agent.
node_labels Optional A map of Kubernetes labels which should be applied to nodes in the Default Node Pool.
only_critical_addons_enable Optional Enabling this option will taint default node pool with CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule taint. When set to true, only system pods will be scheduled on the system node pool.
orchestrator_version Optional Version of Kubernetes used for the Agents. If not specified, the latest recommended version will be used at provisioning time (but won't auto-upgrade).
os_disk_size_gb Optional The size of the OS Disk which should be used for each agent in the Node Pool.
os_disk_type Optional The type of disk which should be used for the Operating System. Possible values are Ephemeral and Managed. Defaults to Managed.
type Optional The type of Node Pool which should be created. Possible values are AvailabilitySet and VirtualMachineScaleSets. Defaults to VirtualMachineScaleSets.
tags Optional A mapping of tags to assign to the Node Pool.
subnet Optional The ID of a Subnet where the Kubernetes Node Pool should exist.

Usage Example:

node_pools = {
    system = {
        vm_size                      = "Standard_D4_v4"
        node_count                   = 1
        enable_auto_scaling          = true
        only_critical_addons_enabled = true
        min_count                    = 1
        max_count                    = 1
        availability_zones           = []
        subnet                       = "private"
        enable_host_encryption       = false
        enable_node_public_ip        = false
        os_disk_type                 = "Managed"
        type                         = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
        # max_pods             = 10
        # node_labels          = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
        # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
        # os_disk_size_gb      = 100
        # tags                 = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}


    addpool1 = {
        vm_size                      = "Standard_D4_v4"
        enable_auto_scaling          = true
        node_count                   = 2
        min_count                    = 1
        max_count                    = 2
        availability_zones           = []
        subnet                       = "public"
        priority                     = "Regular"
        spot_max_price               = -1
        max_surge                    = "1"
        os_type                      = "Linux"
        priority                     = "Regular"
        enable_host_encryption       = false
        enable_node_public_ip        = false
        only_critical_addons_enabled = false
        os_disk_type                 = "Managed"
        type                         = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
        # orchestrator_version         = "2.9.0"
        # os_disk_size_gb              = 100
        # max_pods                     = 20
        # node_labels                  = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
        # eviction_policy              = "Spot"
        # node_taints                  = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
        # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
        # spot_max_price               = 1
        # tags                         = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}

    addpool2 = {
        vm_size                      = "Standard_D4_v4"
        enable_auto_scaling          = true
        node_count                   = 2
        min_count                    = 1
        max_count                    = 2
        availability_zones           = []
        subnet                       = "public"
        priority                     = "Regular"
        spot_max_price               = -1
        max_surge                    = "1"
        os_type                      = "Linux"
        priority                     = "Regular"
        enable_host_encryption       = false
        enable_node_public_ip        = false
        only_critical_addons_enabled = false
        os_disk_type                 = "Managed"
        type                         = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
        # orchestrator_version         = "2.9.0"
        # os_disk_size_gb              = 100
        # max_pods                     = 20
        # node_labels                  = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
        # eviction_policy              = "Spot"
        # node_taints                  = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
        # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
        # spot_max_price               = 1
        # tags                         = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}

The disable_helm argument

This block disable helm deployments by Terraform. This block is optional and will stop HPCC from being installed.

Name Description Type Default Required
disable_helm Disable Helm deployments by Terraform. bool false no

The hpcc block

This block deploys the HPCC helm chart. This block is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
local_chart Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: ~/HPCC-Platform/helm/hpcc Example2: string null no
remote_chart URL of the remote chart. Example: string null no
namespace Namespace to use. string default no
name Release name of the chart. string myhpcck8s no
values List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. list(string) values-retained-azurefile.yaml no
version Version of the HPCC chart. string latest yes
image_root Image root to use. string hpccsystems no
image_name Image name to use. string platform-core no
atomic If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. bool false no
recreate_pods Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. bool false no
reuse_values When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If reset_values is specified, this is ignored. bool false no
reset_values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. bool false no
force_update Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. bool false no
cleanup_on_fail Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. bool false no
disable_openapi_validation If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. bool false no
max_history Maximum number of release versions stored per release. number 0 no
wait Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout . bool true no
dependency_update Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. bool false no
timeout Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). number 900 no
wait_for_jobs If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. bool false no
lint Run the helm chart linter during the plan. bool false no
expose_eclwatch Expose ECLWatch to the internet. This can cause the service to hang on pending state if external IPs are blocked by your organization's cloud policies. bool true no

Usage Example:

hpcc = {
    expose_eclwatch            = true
    name                       = "myhpcck8s"
    atomic                     = true
    recreate_pods              = false
    reuse_values               = false
    reset_values               = false
    force_update               = false
    namespace                  = "default"
    cleanup_on_fail            = false
    disable_openapi_validation = false
    max_history                = 0
    wait                       = true
    dependency_update          = true
    timeout                    = 900
    wait_for_jobs              = false
    lint                       = false
    remote_chart               = ""
    # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/hpcc" #Other examples:
    # version                    = "8.6.14-rc2"
    # values  = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
    # image_root    = ""
    # image_name    = "platform-core-ln"
    # image_version = "8.6.18-rc1"

The storage block

This block deploys the HPCC persistent volumes. This block is required.

Name Description Type Default Valid Options Required
default Use AKS provided storage accounts? bool false true , false no
version The version of the storage chart. string 0.1.0 no
local_chart Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: /Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile Example2: string null no
remote_chart URL of the remote chart. Example: name Release name of the chart. string myhpcck8s
values List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. list(string) [] no
storage_accounts The storage account to use. object Queries attributes' values from storage_accounts module - no
version Version of the storage chart. string 0.1.0 no
atomic If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. bool false no
recreate_pods Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. bool false no
reuse_values When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If reset_values is specified, this is ignored. bool false no
reset_values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. bool false no
force_update Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. bool false no
cleanup_on_fail Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. bool false no
disable_openapi_validation If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. bool false no
max_history Maximum number of release versions stored per release. number 0 no
wait Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout . bool true no
dependency_update Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. bool false no
timeout Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). number 600 no
wait_for_jobs If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. bool false no
lint Run the helm chart linter during the plan. bool false no

The storage_accounts block

This block deploys the HPCC persistent volumes. This block is required.

Name Description Type Default Valid Options Required
name Name of the storage account string - - yes
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which the storage account belongs. string - - yes
subscription_id The ID of the subscription in which the storage account belongs. string Admin's active subscription - no
shares The list of shares in the storage account list(object) - - yes

The shares block

This block defines the list of shares in the storage account. This block is required.

Name Description Type Default Valid Options Required
name The name of the share. string - - yes
sub_path The sub path for the HPCC data plane. string - - yes
category The category for the HPCC data plane string - - yes
sku The sku for the HPCC data plane. string - - yes
quota The size of the share in Gigabytes number - - yes

Usage Example:

storage = {
    default                    = false
    atomic                     = true
    recreate_pods              = false
    reuse_values               = false
    reset_values               = false
    force_update               = false
    namespace                  = "default"
    cleanup_on_fail            = false
    disable_openapi_validation = false
    max_history                = 0
    wait                       = true
    dependency_update          = true
    timeout                    = 600
    wait_for_jobs              = false
    lint                       = false
    remote_chart               = ""
    # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile"
    # version                    = "0.1.0"
    # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]

    storage_accounts = {
        # do not change the key names 
        dali = {
            name = "dalikxgt"
            resource_group_name = "app-storageaccount-sandbox-eastus-79735"

            shares = {
                dali = {
                    name = "dalishare"
                    sub_path   = "dalistorage" //do not change this value
                    category   = "dali" //do not change this value
                    sku        = "Premium_LRS"
                    quota      = 100

        sasha = {
            name = "sashakxgt"
            resource_group_name = "app-storageaccount-sandbox-eastus-79735"

            shares = {
                sasha = {
                    name = "sashashare"
                    sub_path   = "sasha" //do not change this value
                    category   = "sasha" //do not change this value
                    sku        = "Standard_LRS"
                    quota      = 100

        common = {
            name = "commonkxgt"
            resource_group_name = "app-storageaccount-sandbox-eastus-79735"

            shares = {
                data = {
                    name = "datashare"
                    sub_path   = "hpcc-data" //do not change this value
                    category   = "data" //do not change this value
                    sku        = "Standard_LRS"
                    quota      = 100

                dll = {
                    name = "dllshare"
                    sub_path   = "queries" //do not change this value
                    category   = "dll" //do not change this value
                    sku        = "Standard_LRS"
                    quota      = 100

                mydropzone = {
                    name = "mydropzoneshare"
                    sub_path   = "dropzone" //do not change this value
                    category   = "lz" //do not change this value
                    sku        = "Standard_LRS"
                    quota      = 100

The elastic4hpcclogs block

This block deploys the elastic4hpcclogs chart. This block is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
local_chart Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: /Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic Example2: string null no
remote_chart URL of the remote chart. Example: enable Enable elastic4hpcclogs bool
name Release name of the chart. string myelastic4hpcclogs no
version The version of the elastic4hpcclogs string 1.2.8
values List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. list(string) - no
version Version of the elastic4hpcclogs chart. string 1.2.1 no
atomic If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. bool false no
recreate_pods Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. bool false no
reuse_values When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If reset_values is specified, this is ignored. bool false no
reset_values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. bool false no
force_update Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. bool false no
cleanup_on_fail Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. bool false no
disable_openapi_validation If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. bool false no
max_history Maximum number of release versions stored per release. number 0 no
wait Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout . bool true no
dependency_update Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. bool false no
timeout Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). number 900 no
wait_for_jobs If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. bool false no
lint Run the helm chart linter during the plan. bool false no
expose Expose myelastic4hpcclogs-kibana service to the internet. This can cause the service to hang on pending state if external IPs are blocked by your organization's cloud policies. bool true no

Usage Example:

elastic4hpcclogs = {
    enable                     = true
    expose                     = true
    name                       = "myelastic4hpcclogs"
    atomic                     = true
    recreate_pods              = false
    reuse_values               = false
    reset_values               = false
    force_update               = false
    namespace                  = "default"
    cleanup_on_fail            = false
    disable_openapi_validation = false
    max_history                = 0
    wait                       = true
    dependency_update          = true
    timeout                    = 300
    wait_for_jobs              = false
    lint                       = false
    remote_chart               = ""
    #local_chart = "/Users/godji/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic"
    # version                    = "1.2.10"
    # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]

The registry block

This block authenticates a private Docker repository. This block is optional.

Name Description Type Default Required
server The server address of the private Docker repository. string - yes
username The username for the private Docker repository account. string - yes
password The password, token, or API key for the private Docker repository account. string - yes

Usage Example:

registry = {
    password = ""
    server   = ""
    username = ""

The auto_connect argument

This block automatically connect your cluster to your local machine similarly to az aks get-credentials.

Name Description Type Default Required
auto_connect Automatically connect to the Kubernetes cluster from the host machine by overwriting the current context. bool false no

The automation block

The automation feature allows users to automatically stop the AKS cluster based on a schedule.

Name Description Type Default Required
create_new_account Should a new automation account be created? bool false no
resource_group_name The name of the resource group. string aa-us-hpccplatform-dev-eastus no
create_new_role_assignment Should a new role assignment be created? bool false no
automation_account_name Name of automation account string n/a yes
local_authentication_enabled Local authenication for automation account bool false no
location Azure region where the resources would be provisioned string "eastus" no
log_progress Progress log option. string "true" no
log_verbose Verbose log option. string "true" no
public_network_access_enabled public network access for automation account bool false no
resource_group_name Resource group name string n/a yes
runbook Information to configure multiple runbooks list(object()) n/a yes
schedule Information to schedule a runbook list(object()) n/a yes
sku_name The SKU of the account string "Basic" no
subscription_id Subscription id string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to all resources. map(string) {} no
timezone Name of timezone string "America/New_York" no


Name Description
aks_login Get access credentials for the managed Kubernetes cluster.
recommendations A list of security and cost recommendations for this deployment. Your environment has to have been deployed for several hours before Azure provides recommendations.


Deploy the Virtual Network Module

  1. Clone this repo: git clone

  2. Linux and MacOS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network: cp examples/admin.tfvars .

  3. Windows OS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network: copy examples\admin.tfvars .

  4. Open terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network/admin.tfvars file.

  5. Set attributes to your preferred values.

  6. Save terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/virtual_network/admin.tfvars file.

  7. Run terraform init. This step is only required before your first terraform apply.

  8. Run terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars or terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars -auto-approve.

  9. Type yes if you didn't pass the flag -auto-approve.

Deploy the Storage Account Module

  1. Linux and MacOS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts: cp examples/admin.tfvars .

  2. Windows OS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts: copy examples\admin.tfvars .

  3. Open terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts/admin.tfvars file.

  4. Set attributes to your preferred values.

  5. Save terraform-azurerm-hpcc/modules/storage_accounts/admin.tfvars file.

  6. Run terraform init. This step is only required before your first terraform apply.

  7. Run terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars or terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars -auto-approve.

  8. Type yes if you didn't pass the flag -auto-approve.

Deploy the AKS Module

  1. Linux and MacOS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc: cp examples/admin.tfvars .

  2. Windows OS
    1. Change directory to terraform-azurerm-hpcc: cd terraform-azurerm-hpcc

    2. Copy examples/admin.tfvars to terraform-azurerm-hpcc: copy examples\admin.tfvars .

  3. Open terraform-azurerm-hpcc/admin.tfvars file.

  4. Set attributes to your preferred values.

  5. Save terraform-azurerm-hpcc/admin.tfvars file.

  6. Run terraform init. This step is only required before your first terraform apply.

  7. Run terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars or terraform apply -var-file=admin.tfvars -auto-approve.

  8. Type yes if you didn't pass the flag -auto-approve.

  9. If auto_connect = true (in admin.tfvars), skip this step.

    1. Copy aks_login command.

    2. Run aks_login in your command line.

    3. Accept to overwrite your current context.

  10. List pods: kubectl get pods.

  11. Get ECLWatch external IP: kubectl get svc --field-selector | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'.

  12. Delete cluster: terraform destroy -var-file=admin.tfvars or terraform destroy -var-file=admin.tfvars -auto-approve.

  13. Type: yes if flag -auto-approve was not set.