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Merge pull request #193 from stdweird/setup_test
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Support unittesting via 'python test'
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boegel committed Oct 9, 2015
2 parents 5f88919 + 7714e17 commit 1322498
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Showing 3 changed files with 246 additions and 116 deletions.
311 changes: 236 additions & 75 deletions lib/vsc/install/
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Expand Up @@ -24,30 +24,75 @@
import shutil
import sys
import re

from distutils import log # also for setuptools
from distutils.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm as orig_bdist_rpm
from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree

from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
from setuptools.command.test import ScanningLoader
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm
from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py
from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info
from setuptools.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
# egg_info uses sdist directly through manifest_maker
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist

from unittest import TestSuite

# private class variables to communicate
# between VscScanningLoader and VscTestCommand
# stored in __builtin__ because the (Vsc)TestCommand.run_tests
# reloads and cleans up the modules
import __builtin__
if not hasattr(__builtin__,'__test_filter'):
setattr(__builtin__, '__test_filter', {
'module': None,
'function': None,
'allowmods': [],

# Keep this for legacy reasons, setuptools didn't used to be a requirement
has_setuptools = True

# 0 : WARN (default), 1 : INFO, 2 : DEBUG

has_setuptools = None
# available authors
ag = ('Andy Georges', '[email protected]')
eh = ('Ewan Higgs', '[email protected]')
jt = ('Jens Timmermans', '[email protected]')
kh = ('Kenneth Hoste', '[email protected]')
kw = ('Kenneth Waegeman', '[email protected]')
lm = ('Luis Fernando Munoz Meji?as', '[email protected]')
sdw = ('Stijn De Weirdt', '[email protected]')
wdp = ('Wouter Depypere', '[email protected]')
wp = ('Ward Poelmans', '[email protected]')

# Regexp used to remove suffixes from scripts when installing(/packaging)
REGEXP_REMOVE_SUFFIX = re.compile(r'(\.(?:py|sh|pl))$')

# We do need all setup files to be included in the source dir if we ever want to install
# the package elsewhere.
# We do need all setup files to be included in the source dir
# if we ever want to install the package elsewhere.

# Put unittests under this directory


def find_extra_sdist_files():
"""Looks for files to append to the FileList that is used by the egg_info."""
print "looking for extra dist files""looking for extra dist files")
filelist = []
if os.path.isfile(fn):
print "sdist add_defaults Failed to find %s" % fn
print "exiting."
log.error("sdist add_defaults Failed to find %s. Exiting." % fn)
return filelist

Expand All @@ -61,80 +106,35 @@ def remove_extra_bdist_rpm_files():
return []

# The following aims to import from setuptools, but if this is not available, we import the basic functionality from
# distutils instead. Note that setuptools make copies of the scripts, it does _not_ preserve symbolic links.
#raise ImportError("no setuptools") # to try distutils, uncomment
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm
from distutils.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm as orig_bdist_rpm
from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py
from setuptools.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist

# egg_info uses sdist directly through manifest_maker
from setuptools.command.egg_info import egg_info

class vsc_egg_info(egg_info):
"""Class to determine the set of files that should be included.
This amounts to including the default files, as determined by setuptools, extended with the
few extra files we need to add for installation purposes.

def find_sources(self):
"""Default lookup."""

# TODO: this should be in the, here we should have a placeholder, so we need not change this for every
# package we deploy
class vsc_bdist_rpm_egg_info(vsc_egg_info):
"""Class to determine the source files that should be present in an (S)RPM.
All files that augment namespace packages should be installed by the
dependent package, so we need not install it here.

def find_sources(self):
"""Fins the sources as default and then drop the cruft."""
for f in remove_extra_bdist_rpm_files():
print "DEBUG: removing %s from source list" % (f)

has_setuptools = True
except ImportError as err:
log.warn("ImportError, falling back to distutils-only: %s", err)
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py
from distutils.command.sdist import sdist
from distutils.command.bdist_rpm import bdist_rpm as orig_bdist_rpm
bdist_rpm = orig_bdist_rpm # mimic setuptools' bdist_rpm

class vsc_egg_info(object):
pass # dummy class for distutils
class vsc_egg_info(egg_info):
"""Class to determine the set of files that should be included.
class vsc_bdist_rpm_egg_info(vsc_egg_info):
pass # dummy class for distutils
This amounts to including the default files, as determined by setuptools, extended with the
few extra files we need to add for installation purposes.

has_setuptools = False
def find_sources(self):
"""Default lookup."""

# TODO: this should be in the, here we should have a placeholder, so we need not change this for every
# package we deploy
class vsc_bdist_rpm_egg_info(vsc_egg_info):
"""Class to determine the source files that should be present in an (S)RPM.
# available authors
ag = ('Andy Georges', '[email protected]')
jt = ('Jens Timmermans', '[email protected]')
kh = ('Kenneth Hoste', '[email protected]')
lm = ('Luis Fernando Munoz Meji?as', '[email protected]')
sdw = ('Stijn De Weirdt', '[email protected]')
wdp = ('Wouter Depypere', '[email protected]')
kw = ('Kenneth Waegeman', '[email protected]')
eh = ('Ewan Higgs', '[email protected]')
All files that augment namespace packages should be installed by the
dependent package, so we need not install it here.

def find_sources(self):
"""Finds the sources as default and then drop the cruft."""
for fn in remove_extra_bdist_rpm_files():
log.debug("removing %s from source list" % (fn))

# FIXME: do we need this here? it won;t hurt, but still ...
REGEXP_REMOVE_SUFFIX = re.compile(r'(\.(?:py|sh|pl))$')

class vsc_install_scripts(install_scripts):
"""Create the (fake) links for mympirun also remove .sh and .py extensions from the scripts."""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,14 +166,168 @@ def find_package_modules (self, package, package_dir):

class vsc_bdist_rpm(bdist_rpm):
""" Custom class to build the RPM, since the cannot be included for the packages that have namespace spread across all of the machine."""
"""Custom class to build the RPM, since the cannot be included for the packages that have namespace spread across all of the machine."""
def run(self):
log.error("vsc_bdist_rpm = %s" % (self.__dict__))
SHARED_TARGET['cmdclass']['egg_info'] = vsc_bdist_rpm_egg_info # changed to allow removal of files
self.run_command('egg_info') # ensure distro name is up-to-date

def filter_testsuites(testsuites):
"""(Recursive) filtering of (suites of) tests"""
test_filter = getattr(__builtin__, '__test_filter')['function']

res = type(testsuites)()

for ts in testsuites:
# ts is either a test or testsuite of more tests
if isinstance(ts, TestSuite):
if, ts._testMethodName):
return res

class VscScanningLoader(ScanningLoader):
"""The class to look for tests"""


def loadTestsFromModule(self, module):
Support test module and function name based filtering
testsuites = ScanningLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self, module)

test_filter = getattr(__builtin__,'__test_filter')

res = testsuites

if test_filter['module'] is not None:
name = module.__name__
if name in test_filter['allowmods']:
# a parent name space
elif['module'], name):
if test_filter['function'] is not None:
res = filter_testsuites(testsuites)
# add parents (and module itself)
pms = name.split('.')
for pm_idx in range(len(pms)):
pm = '.'.join(pms[:pm_idx])
if not pm in test_filter['allowmods']:
res = type(testsuites)()

return res

class VscTestCommand(TestCommand):
The cmdclass for testing

# make 2 new 'python test' options available
user_options = TestCommand.user_options + [
('test-filterf=', 'f', "Regex filter on test function names"),
('test-filterm=', 'F', "Regex filter on test (sub)modules"),

TEST_LOADER_CLASS = VscScanningLoader

def initialize_options(self):
Add attributes for new commandline options and set test_loader
self.test_filterm = None
self.test_filterf = None
self.test_loader = '%s:%s' % (self.TEST_LOADER_CLASS.TEST_LOADER_MODULE, self.TEST_LOADER_CLASS.__name__)"test_loader set to %s" % self.test_loader)

def setup_sys_path(self):
Prepare sys.path to be able to
use the modules provided by this package (assumeing they are in 'lib')
use any scripts as modules (for unittesting)
use the test modules as modules (for unittesting)
Returns a list of directories to cleanup
cleanup = []

# determine the base directory of the repository
# we will assume that the tests are called from
# a '' like file in the basedirectory
# (but could be called anything, as long as it is in the basedir)
setup_py = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])'run_tests from %s' % setup_py)
base_dir = os.path.dirname(setup_py)

# make a lib dir to trick to package this properly
# and git ignore empty dirs, so recreate it if necessary
lib_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'lib')
if not os.path.exists(lib_dir):

test_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, DEFAULT_TEST_SUITE)
if os.path.isdir(test_dir):
sys.path.insert(0, test_dir)
raise Exception("Can't find location of testsuite directory %s in %s" % (DEFAULT_TEST_SUITE, base_dir))

# make sure we can import the script as a module
scripts_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'bin')
if os.path.isdir(scripts_dir):
sys.path.insert(0, scripts_dir)

return cleanup

def reload_vsc_modules(self):
Cleanup and restore vsc namespace becasue we use vsc namespace tools very early
So we need to make sure they are picked up from the paths as specified
in setup_sys_path, not to mix with installed and already loaded modules
loaded_vsc_modules = [name for name in sys.modules.keys() if name == 'vsc' or name.startswith('vsc.')]
reload_vsc_modules = []
for name in loaded_vsc_modules:
if hasattr(sys.modules[name], '__file__'):
# only actual modules

# reimport
for name in reload_vsc_modules:

def run_tests(self):
Actually run the tests, but start with
passing the filter options via __builtin__
set sys.path
reload vsc modules
'function': self.test_filterf,
'module': self.test_filterm,

cleanup = self.setup_sys_path()


res = TestCommand.run_tests(self)

# clenaup any diretcories created
for directory in cleanup:

return res

# shared target config
'url': '',
Expand All @@ -184,6 +338,8 @@ def run(self):
"egg_info": vsc_egg_info,
"bdist_rpm": vsc_bdist_rpm,
'cmdclass': {'test': VscTestCommand},
'test_suite': DEFAULT_TEST_SUITE,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,7 +421,7 @@ def build_setup_cfg_for_bdist_rpm(target):

def action_target(target, setupfn=setup, extra_sdist=[]):
def action_target(target, setupfn=setup, extra_sdist=[], urltemplate=None):
# EXTRA_SDIST_FILES.extend(extra_sdist)

do_cleanup = True
Expand All @@ -283,6 +439,11 @@ def action_target(target, setupfn=setup, extra_sdist=[]):
if do_cleanup:

if urltemplate:
target['url'] = urltemplate % target
if 'github' in urltemplate:
target['download_url'] = "%s/tarball/master" % target['url']

x = parse_target(target)

Expand Down

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