Small Example of a simple linear regression script.
DISCLAIMER: This script is for demonstrative propouses only, it should not be used in production without the proper analysis of the variables to predict, including but not limited to their autocorrelation/multicollinearity, correlation and or seasonality.
This project requires
. It is recommended to create a virtual enviorment to use it.
git clone --depth 1
cd sample-linear-regression
# Create virt env
virtualenv -p python3 sample-linear-regression
source sample-linear-regression/bin/activate
cd sample-linear-regression
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run
chmod +x src/
Small linear regression sample implementation. For this example we are using the Bitcoin Prices in a Monthly basis as the dependant variable. i.e., the variable we want to predict. And we use the Ethereum Prices in a Montly basis as the independant variable. i.e., the variable we are using to predict the Bitcoin price.
DISCLAIMER: this is simplified given that yahoo offers good quality data. Usually you need more steps to clean and wrangle data.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Ingest
## Data paths.
DATA = "src/assets/BTC-USD.csv"
DATA1 = "src/assets/ETH-USD.csv"
## Make pandas read the data.
df1 = pd.read_csv(DATA, index_col="Date", parse_dates=True).sort_index(ascending=True)
df2 = pd.read_csv(DATA1, index_col="Date", parse_dates=True).sort_index(ascending=True)
Ingests the data fetched from Yahoo Finance (The data has no blank values). During the import, the data is formated to a time series by setting the Dates as the index. The index is then sorted as ascend given that for linear regresions these need to be from older to newest.
Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | |
Date | ||||||
2019-02-01 | 107.147682 | 165.549622 | 102.934563 | 136.746246 | 136.746246 | 101430995445 |
2019-03-01 | 136.836243 | 149.613235 | 125.402702 | 141.514099 | 141.514099 | 138882123600 |
2019-04-01 | 141.465485 | 184.377853 | 140.737564 | 162.166031 | 162.166031 | 204556824026 |
2019-05-01 | 162.186554 | 287.201630 | 159.660217 | 268.113556 | 268.113556 | 314349041886 |
2019-06-01 | 268.433350 | 361.398682 | 229.257431 | 290.695984 | 290.695984 | 270589672710 |
## Get the correlation
df1["Adj Close"].corr(df2["Adj Close"])
## Get necesary predictive values only.
# Use double brackets to avoid sending pandas.core.series.Series instead of DataFrame
dfx = df2[["Adj Close"]] # Load the Etherum price as x (Independant)
dfy = df1[["Adj Close"]] # Load the Bitcoin price as y (Dependant)
Viewing the data shows the varying measures for the exchange prices. We need to drop all of them except the "Adj Close".
Notice that unlike the correlation. We fetch the columns using double brackets. This is to avoid getting errors in scikit-learn given that we are using 1 variable as preditor instead of a multy plexed array (a matrix).
train_size = 0.8 # use 80 percent to train the regression
if dfx.shape[0] != dfy.shape[0]:
print("Sample Sizes ERROR")
x_train_size = round(dfx.shape[0] * train_size) # We only need the rows.
x_test_size = x_train_size
y_train_size = round(dfx.shape[0] * train_size) # We only need the rows.
y_test_size = y_train_size
x_train, x_test = dfx.iloc[:x_train_size], dfx.iloc[x_test_size:]
y_train, y_test = dfy.iloc[:y_train_size], dfy.iloc[y_test_size:]
Why not use all the series for the regression? To avoid overfitting.
# Regression
regressor = LinearRegression(), y=y_train)
Create a Linear Regression instance and then fit it to the linear regression we need.
x is the Ethereum price.
y is the Bitcoin price.
y_pred = regressor.predict(x_test)
[31129.1065507 ]
[30176.4599037 ]
Create an array with the predictions for the test (Validation) set.
Print the predictions.
# Training Sets
plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, color="red")
plt.plot(x_train, regressor.predict(x_train), color="blue")
plt.title("Bitcoin vs Ethereum")
plt.xlabel("Ethereum Closing Price")
plt.ylabel("Bitcoin Closing Price")
# Test set
plt.scatter(x_test, y_test, color="red")
plt.plot(x_train, regressor.predict(x_train), color="blue")
plt.title("Bitcoin vs Ethereum")
plt.xlabel("Ethereum Closing Price")
plt.ylabel("Bitcoin Closing Price")