- Build & run the app
- select your target location Option 1: Insert an address Option 2: right click into the map view
- Drag & Drop a jpg file into the map view
- PicPlacer will now write the location into the corresponding EXIF fields.. finish!
- Get all dependencies
# Clone this repository
> git clone https://github.com/HerrHerklotz/PicPlacer
# Go into the repository
> cd PicPlacer
# Install dependencies
PicPlacer> npm install
PicPlacer/src> npm install
# Run the app
PicPlacer> npm run src
# Build the app
PicPlacer> npm run dist
- Go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff428642.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 and get your private API key
- Past your key into PicPlacer/src/key.js