App that uses a brewery api to allow a user to search for local breweries in their area. It will have a homepage with a header that is displayed on all of the pages. It will have a main section that will allow the user to search by name or location. Once the user makes a choice it will display the search bar. The user then can type in the name/city and the api will display all the breweries that fit the search criteria.
I may face some issues with the search bar and getting it to display the data. I will reference other labs and homework to help me figure out how to get the search bar to work. I may have some issues with the CSS because I haven't been focusing as much on it with the last several assignments. I will review older work i have done as a reference on how to work with the CSS. I will also see if I can google if there are any specific ways i should be working with CSS and react. I may run into some problems with displaying multiple breweries at once vs just one at a time depending on what a user searches.
- react architecture
Home page with search bar to search through the api to find a brewery. Once you hit the search button it will display all the results. The results will include the name of the brewery, address, website link, and phone number.
- Add search for specific criteria
- Save favorite breweries
- Search for both city and state at the same time to narrow search results
- Add pagination
Writing out your components and its descriptions isn't a required part of the proposal but can be helpful.
Based on the initial logic defined in the previous sections try and breakdown the logic further into stateless/stateful components.
Component | Description |
App | It has React Router and links back to home page |
Header | This will render the header include the title of app, icon, and main img |
Main | This includes the main section with links to the location and name search |
Search | This will render the search bar |
Name | This updates text for Name and SearchName |
SearchName | It fetches the api data depending on what is typed into the search |
Location | This updates text for search and SearchLocation |
SearchLocation | It fetches the api data depending on what is typed into the search |
Footer | This will render the header include the footer info |
Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
Planning | H | 3hrs | 2hrs | 2hrs |
Working with API | H | 2 hrs | 2hrs | 2hrs |
CSS and formating | H | 5hrs | 4hrs | 5hrs |
App | H | 1 hrs | .5hrs | .5hrs |
Header | H | 3 hrs | 1hrs | 1hrs |
Main | H | 4 hrs | 1hrs | 1hrs |
Search | H | 6 hrs | 7hrs | 7hrs |
Footer | H | 1 hrs | .2hrs | .2hrs |
Total | H | 31hrs | 18.7hrs | 18.7hrs |
handleOnInputChange = (e) => {
const query =
if ( ! query ){
this.setState( { query, results: {}} )
} else{
this.setState ( { query }, () =>{
this.fetchSearchResults( query )
} )
}// this function is called when a user inputs text into the search bar
<a className='name' href= { result.website_url } target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{}</a>
//I was able to get the name of the brewery to be a link
Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution.
ERROR: webpackHotDevClient.js:120 ./src/components/search/searchLocation.js Line 49:82: Using target="_blank" without rel="noopener noreferrer" is a security risk: see react/jsx-no-target-blank
RESOLUTION: Needed to add '''rel="noopener noreferrer"''' to the tag