A CLI to interact with MyAnimeList's web API
~ mal -h
Usage: mal [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
CLI for interacting with MAL
--debug / --no-debug run in debug mode and get more log output
--loud / --quiet attempt to open any anime pages, open login url, etc.
default true / loud
-a / -m to run commands for anime (-a) or manga (-m)
-h, --help Show this message and exit
login Login/authorize this app to have more access to MAL API
random Select a random anime/manga from your lists
suggest Get anime suggestions! Manga suggestions not yet supported by MAL
refresh call to refresh your oauth tokens
search Search MAL for an anime/manga
extended user guide, source code, report issues, etc -
- Latest windows exe build can be found here
- I am trying to only ever merge completely functional/working native-image code, but no promises this will always work. Released builds should be most stable
- application can also be run using docker image:
docker run --mount type=bind,source="$PATH_TO_MAL_CLI",target="/root/mal-cli" -p "8080:8080" "hrothwell/mal-cli:$VERSION" <args>
--> Absolute path to location of your config files as documented in the pre-requirments above
- mal.sh is meant to be a helper script for running in this manner