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related to PPSSPP's APIs and language integrations
Occurs with JIT on 64-bit ARM devices, but not another CPU backend.
Occurs with JIT on 32-bit ARM devices, but not another CPU backend.
Occurs on ARMv6 devices but not ARMv7 / ARMv8 devices.
Issue involves sceAtrac features.
Cleanup to make future work easier. Needs to be done sometimes.
Driver bug, so questionable to put in too much effort.
An effect needs texturing from depth buffers.
Issue involves depth drawing parameters.
Discord and other integrations
Candidate for inclusion in a followup bugfix release
Related to UI fonts, not in game fonts.
We are probably missing a framebuffer readback.
Bug is actually in the game, not the emulator.
Backend-independent GPU issues
Issue related to readbacks from the GPU to CPU
Involves vertices outside fustrum.
This is a temporary hack, known not to be the real PSP's behavior
You can’t perform that action at this time.