A Grasp Pose is All You Need: Learning Multi-fingered Grasping with Deep Reinforcement Learning from Vision and Touch
- Update
- Installation
- Reproduce the RESPRECT results
- Reproduce the G-PAYN results
- License
- Citing the papers
2024-01-26 - Code release to replicate the results presented in the paper RESPRECT: Speeding-up Multi-fingered Grasping with Residual Reinforcement Learning.
2023-07-27 - Code release to replicate the results presented in the paper A Grasp Pose is All You Need: Learning Multi-fingered Grasping with Deep Reinforcement Learning from Vision and Touch.
Install git-lfs as follows.
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install
Install robotology-superbuild as follows. For further details see the official guide for installation from source. Note that you have to replace FirstName
, LastName
and [email protected]
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev python3-numpy
git config --global user.name FirstName LastName
git config --global user.email [email protected]
git clone https://github.com/robotology/robotology-superbuild
cd robotology-superbuild
bash ./scripts/install_apt_dependencies.sh
mkdir build
cd build
make -j8
make install
After the installation, add the following line to the .bashrc
to configure your environment, replacing the <directory-where-you-downloaded-robotology-superbuild>
source <directory-where-you-downloaded-robotology-superbuild>/build/install/share/robotology-superbuild/setup.sh
Install superquadrics-lib as follows.
git clone --recursive https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk.git
mkdir -p vtk/build
cd vtk/build
cmake ..
make -j8
sudo make install
cd ../..
git clone https://github.com/robotology/superquadric-lib.git
cd superquadric-lib
mkdir build && cd build
make -j8
sudo make install
Clone the repository and install it:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/hsp-iit/rl-icub-dexterous-manipulation.git
cd rl-icub-dexterous-manipulation
pip install catkin_pkg && pip install -e .
Download the VGN and PVR weights:
cd rl_icub_dexterous_manipulation/external/vgn
wget --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1MysYHve3ooWiLq12b58Nm8FWiFBMH-bJ' -O data.zip
unzip data
rm data.zip
cd ../../feature_extractors/moco_models
wget https://github.com/sparisi/pvr_habitat/releases/download/models/moco_croponly_l3.pth
wget https://github.com/sparisi/pvr_habitat/releases/download/models/moco_croponly_l4.pth
wget https://github.com/sparisi/pvr_habitat/releases/download/models/moco_croponly.pth
To run the experiments in the paper, you can either rely on the provided G-PAYN and REPTILE models pre-trained on MSO, or retrain these models as described in the following section. For example, to train G-PAYN in the MSO+Superquadrics experiments, use configs/exp_resprect/gpayn_MSO_superquadrics_MAE_save_rb.yaml
to save the replay buffer, and configs/exp_resprect/gpayn_MSO_superquadrics_MAE.yaml
to train the model. Note that if you retrain these models, you have to modify the configuration files mentioned below accordingly.
To download the models pre-trained on MSO, you have to run the following:
cd ../../examples/eval_dir
curl -L https://dataverse.iit.it/api/access/dataset/:persistentId/?persistentId=doi:10.48557/IBDJYT -o models.zip
unzip models.zip
rm models.zip MANIFEST.TXT
To train the model with RESPRECT, for example in the 06_mustard_bottle+Superquadrics experiment, you have to run the following from the examples
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_resprect/resprect_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the Residual results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_resprect/residual_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the Fine-Tuning results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_resprect/fine_tuning_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the Reptile results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_resprect/reptile_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the G-PAYN results, follow the instructions below, but consider using different configuration files to use MAE as feature extractor. For example, using configs/exp_resprect/gpayn_mustard_superquadrics_MAE.yaml
instead of configs/exp_gpayn/gpayn_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To replicate the experiments on the real iCub humanoid, you need to run the following modules before running the provided script to train a RESPRECT policy:
to run the robot.iKinCartesianSolver
for the right arm of the robot, using the parameter--part right_arm
, with the the parameter--from config_no_imu_no_tilt.ini
with the parameter--config realsense_d405.xml
with the parameter--from config_half_tilted_v27_d405.ini
with the parameters--from skinManAll.ini --context skinGui
Then, from the machine where you are running the experiment, you need to run yarprun --server /laptop
and yarpmanager
. From a separate terminal you can communicate with the robot via RPC with the command yarp rpc --client /cmd
, for example to terminate an unsuccessful episode with the command done_moved
. Then, in the yarpmanager
, you need to load the application rl_icub_dexterous_manipulation/yarp_modules/applications/app_resprect_icub.xml
, run all the modules and make all the connections.
Finally, to train the RESPRECT model for example with the 06_mustard_bottle, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl_real.py --cfg configs/exp_resprect/resprect_real_mustard.yaml
Note that, to reproduce the experiments on a different setting from the one shown in the paper, you may need to set the parameters for point cloud filtering differently from the ones in the provided configuration files.
To run the experiments in the paper, you have to extract the replay buffers, unless you want to run the SAC experiments. For example, for the 06_mustard_bottle+Superquadrics experiment, you have to run the following from the examples
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_gpayn/gpayn_mustard_superquadrics_save_rb.yaml
Then, to train the model with G-PAYN, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_gpayn/gpayn_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the OERLD results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_gpayn/oerld_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the AWAC results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_gpayn/awac_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
To reproduce the SAC results, you have to run the following:
python3 icub_visuomanip_drl.py --cfg configs/exp_gpayn/sac_mustard_superquadrics.yaml
The code is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENCE for further details.
If you find any part of this code useful, please consider citing the associated publications:
author={Ceola, Federico and Rosasco, Lorenzo and Natale, Lorenzo},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={RESPRECT: Speeding-up Multi-fingered Grasping with Residual Reinforcement Learning},
keywords={Dexterous Manipulation; Multifingered Hands; Reinforcement Learning.},
author={Ceola, Federico and Maiettini, Elisa and Rosasco, Lorenzo and Natale, Lorenzo},
booktitle={2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
title={A Grasp Pose is All You Need: Learning Multi-Fingered Grasping with Deep Reinforcement Learning from Vision and Touch},
This repository is maintained by:
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@fedeceola |