A list of resources releated to data synthetic.
Relational Data Synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks: A Design Space Exploration, VLDB 2020,[ paper ]
Empirical evaluation on synthetic data generation with generative adversarial network, WIMS 2019,[ paper ]
Effective and Privacy Preserving Tabular Data Synthesizing, 2021,[ paper ]
Holdout-Based Fidelity and Privacy Assessment of Mixed-Type Synthetic Data, 2021,[ paper ]
Synthetic Data--A Privacy Mirage, 2020,[ paper ]
On the Generation and Evaluation of Tabular Data Using GANs, 2019,[ paper ]
Data synthesis based on generative adversarial networks, PVLDB 2018,[ paper ]
Faketables: Using gans to generate functional dependency preserving tables with bounded real data, IJCAI 2019,[ paper ]
Modeling Tabular Data using Conditional GAN, NeurIPS 2019,[ paper ]
Synthesizing tabular data using generative adversarial networks CoRR 2018,[ paper ]
OCT-GAN: Neural ODE-based conditional tabular GANs, WWW 2021,[ paper ]
Conditional Wasserstein GAN-based oversampling of tabular data for imbalanced learning, 2021,[ paper ]
PATE-GAN: Generating synthetic data with differential privacy guarantees, ICLR 2018,[ paper ]
Gs-wgan: A gradient-sanitized approach for learning differentially private generators, NeurIPS 2020,[ paper ]
Differentially private generative adversarial network, 2018,[ paper ]
DPSyn: Experiences in the NIST Differential Privacy Data Synthesis Challenges, 2021,[ paper ]
DTGAN: Differential Private Training for Tabular GANs, 2021,[ paper ]
Causal-TGAN: Generating Tabular Data Using Causal Generative Adversarial Networks, 2021,[ paper ]
Fed-TGAN: Federated Learning Framework for Synthesizing Tabular Data, 2021,[ paper ]
Winning the NIST Contest: A scalable and general approach to differentially private synthetic data, 2021,[ paper ]
Kamino: Constraint-Aware Differentially Private Data Synthesis, 2020,[ paper ]
Causally Constrained Data Synthesis for Private Data Release, 2021,[ paper ]
CTAB-GAN: Effective Table Data Synthesizing, 2021,[ paper ]
SDV: an open source library for synthetic data generation, 2018,[ paper ]
Privbayes: private data release via bayesian networks, SIGMOD 2014,[ paper ]
Privbayes: private data release via bayesian networks, 2017,[ paper ]
Generating multi-label discrete patient records using generative adversarial networks, PMLR 2017,[ paper ]
Synthesizing electronic health records using improved generative adversarial networks, JAMIA 2019,[ paper ]
CorGAN: Correlation-capturing convolutional generative adversarial networks for generating synthetic healthcare records, 2020,[ paper ]