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v1.2.0: Support exporting data to Google Cloud Storage

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@huantt huantt released this 04 Dec 13:36
· 18 commits to main since this release

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export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Export Kafka topics to parquet file


   export [flags]

      --concurrent-consumers int                  Number of concurrent consumers (default 1)
  -f, --file string                               Output file path (required)
      --gcs-bucket string                         Google Cloud Storage bucket name
      --gcs-project-id string                     Google Cloud Storage Project ID
      --google-credentials string                 Path to Google Credentials file
  -h, --help                                      help for export
      --kafka-group-id string                     Kafka consumer group ID
      --kafka-password string                     Kafka password
      --kafka-sasl-mechanism string               Kafka password
      --kafka-security-protocol string            Kafka security protocol
      --kafka-servers string                      Kafka servers string
      --kafka-topics stringArray                  Kafka topics
      --kafka-username string                     Kafka username
      --limit uint                                Supports file splitting. Files are split by the number of messages specified
      --max-waiting-seconds-for-new-message int   Max waiting seconds for new message, then this process will be marked as finish. Set -1 to wait forever. (default 30)
      --storage string                            Storage type: local file (file) or Google cloud storage (gcs) (default "file")

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump export \
--file=path/to/output/data.parquet \
--kafka-topics=users-activities \
--kafka-group-id=id=kafka-dump.local \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Import Kafka topics from parquet file

   import [flags]

  -f, --file string                      Output file path (required)
  -h, --help                             help for import
      --kafka-password string            Kafka password
      --kafka-sasl-mechanism string      Kafka password
      --kafka-security-protocol string   Kafka security protocol
      --kafka-servers string             Kafka servers string
      --kafka-username string            Kafka username

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump import \
--file=path/to/input/data.parquet \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Stream messages topic to topic

   stream [flags]

      --from-kafka-group-id string                Kafka consumer group ID
      --from-kafka-password string                Source Kafka password
      --from-kafka-sasl-mechanism string          Source Kafka password
      --from-kafka-security-protocol string       Source Kafka security protocol
      --from-kafka-servers string                 Source Kafka servers string
      --from-kafka-username string                Source Kafka username
      --from-topic string                         Source topic
      -h, --help                                      help for stream
      --max-waiting-seconds-for-new-message int   Max waiting seconds for new message, then this process will be marked as finish. Set -1 to wait forever. (default 30)
      --to-kafka-password string                  Destination Kafka password
      --to-kafka-sasl-mechanism string            Destination Kafka password
      --to-kafka-security-protocol string         Destination Kafka security protocol
      --to-kafka-servers string                   Destination Kafka servers string
      --to-kafka-username string                  Destination Kafka username
      --to-topic string                           Destination topic

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump stream \
--from-topic=users \
--from-kafka-group-id=stream \
--from-kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--from-kafka-username=admin \
--from-kafka-password=admin \
--from-kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \
--from-kafka-sasl-mechanism=PLAIN \
--to-topic=new-users \
--to-kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--to-kafka-username=admin \
--to-kafka-password=admin \
--to-kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \

Count number of rows in parquet file

   count-parquet-rows [flags]

  -f, --file string   File path (required)
  -h, --help          help for count-parquet-rows

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   Log level (default "info")


kafka-dump count-parquet-rows \

Use Docker

docker run -d --rm \
-v /local-data:/data \
huanttok/kafka-dump:latest \
kafka-dump export \
--file=/data/path/to/output/data.parquet \
--kafka-topics=users-activities \
--kafka-group-id=id=kafka-dump.local \
--kafka-servers=localhost:9092 \
--kafka-username=admin \
--kafka-password=admin \
--kafka-security-protocol=SASL_SSL \


  • Import topics from multiple files or directory
  • Import topics from Google Cloud Storage files or directory