Implement Redis using c++.
- Data structure: skiplist, hash table
- Network library: using boost asio / asio(c++20) instead of native io(epoll, iocp etc.)
- Provide multithread ability: lock manager or mvcc
- Distributed system feature(raft master elaction, consistent hash)
- Provide sql interface to access data
install vcpkg following the steps in
run integrate command of vcpkg
vcpkg integrate install
see details in
install spdlog, gtest with vcpkg
install CMake Tools and CMake plugin in visual studio code
change CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE conf in settings.json to your vcpkg path
ctrl/cmd + shift + p, select "cmake: build" option, you will see the binary in a few seconds.
Note: pay attention to Triplet selection when you install package with vcpkg, it must be consistent with the CMake configure of the project. for example, if the Triplet selection is x86-windows, you should configure the project with x86.