中文文档: README_CN.md
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
iOS 13.0+
- HBSwiftKit is a collection of practical Swift extensions and tools.
- The Base module provides a set of tools for UI development, including basic components and extensions, such as ViewController, NavigationController; UIColor, UIFont, UIView, UIImage, etc.
- The Base module also provides internationalization tools LocalizedUtils, routing protocol Navigator and MVVM structure protocol (refer to Swifthub)
- The HTTP module provides encapsulation based on Moya + PromiseKit + ObjectMapper + ProgressHUD, which is more concise and business-oriented. For details, refer to HTTP_README
- The BLE module provides chain configuration and chain callback, as well as rx subscription. Simple global business monitoring. For details, refer to BLE_README
- Branch shortcuts, provides shortcut examples for Siri and Shortcuts.
- Branch wechat_qrcode, provides integration examples for WeChat QR code scanning and Huawei QR code scanning.
HBSwiftKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'HBSwiftKit'
# Module installation
pod 'HBSwiftKit/Base'
pod 'HBSwiftKit/HTTP'
pod 'HBSwiftKit/BLE'
HBSwiftKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.