hubot-irc (compiled to JS from
IRC Adapter for Hubot > version 9
You can try this adapter out by cloning this repo, installing modules and starting the app. If you visit Freenode and connect to #myhubot
and then execute the following commands:
npm i
npm start
You can send a message to @irc-hubot helo
and it will reply.
We're using semantic-release
to cut releases from Git commit messages. If you submit a pull request, please make sure to prefix the commit messages with:
- no release is cut (e.g. chore: Update build pipeline)fix
- minor version release cut (e.g. fix: Reorder precedence of setting bot name from environment variable)feat
- major version release cut (e.g. feat: some fantastic new feature)BREAKING CHANGE
- if the changes break the public API, in addition tofeat
, add a message for BREAKING CHANGESfeat: new feature BREAKING CHANGE: Public API was changed from v1 to v2