Add registerToggleAction
to the scripting API
Change encounter tab copy and paste behavior.
A warning will appear if a custom script fails to load or an action fails to run.
Fix null characters being unpredictably written to some JSON files.
Fix tilesets that share part of their name loading incorrectly.
Fix events being hidden behind connecting maps.
Metatile labels with values defined outside their tileset are no longer deleted.
Fix the Tileset Editor retaining edit history after changing tilesets.
Fix some minor visual issues on the Connections tab.
Fix bug which caused encounter configurator to crash if slots in fields containing groups were deleted.
Fix bug which caused encounter configurator to crash if last field was deleted.
Fix map render when collision view was active while map changed.
Fix the updated pokefirered region map graphics appearing in grayscale.
Fix the API function registerAction
not correctly handling actions with the same name.
You can’t perform that action at this time.