This is a basic Cordova hybrid app for Smoke Media, based on AngularJS (1.0, soz).
It interacts with the website API at, and relies on custom keys and endpoints added to the API response by a Wordpress plugin running over there.
The app has basic functionality for:
- Reading articles
- Listening to live radio stream
- Seeing the radio schedule
The app requires Apache Cordova, so install that first. From the directory, you can then say
cordova run android
To install a debug APK to a testing device with USB debugging enabled. You can also run it in a browser debugger by first adding the platform 'browser' to Cordova.
This app should be considered a proof of concept, not a finished product. It has only been tested on Android devices, but should theoretically work fine on iOS with a few UX tweaks.
Gestures like swipes are build from scratch in JS, so don't work exactly like native equivalents. Like all Cordova apps, performance becomes sketchy when run on older devices, mostly due to the inevitable overhead of running inside a webview.
Ideally, the app would also benefit from:
- Deep links
- Push notifications
- Podcast downloads (via Audioboom API?)
A native makeover is also a worthy end goal.