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Merge pull request #18 from hugeblank/unstable-as
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hugeblank authored Feb 24, 2019
2 parents 6c6b0dc + fd2113c commit 6ac045d
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Showing 3 changed files with 239 additions and 108 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The installer installs:

- persistence.ltn - A _Lua Table Notation_ file containing all serialized persistence entries for each plugin.

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**Want More?** Check out the [wiki](!

## Forking this repository
It's worth noting that there are some places you might want to check out after you fork, and before you start testing your code.
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146 changes: 76 additions & 70 deletions allium.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
-- Allium by hugeblank

local label = "<&r&dAll&5&h[[Hugeblank was here. Hi.]]&i[[]]i&r&dum&r>" --bot title
local raisin, color = require("raisin.raisin"), require("color") --Sponsored by roger109z
local allium, plugins, group = {}, {}, {thread = , command =}

local function print(noline, ...) -- Magical function that takes in a table and changes the text color/writes at the same time
local words = {...}
if type(noline) ~= "boolean" then
Expand All @@ -22,34 +26,6 @@ local function print(noline, ...) -- Magical function that takes in a table and

do -- Allium image setup <3
multishell.setTitle(multishell.getFocus(), "Allium")
local x, y = term.getSize()
paintutils.drawImage(paintutils.loadImage("allium.nfp"), x-7, 2) -- Draw the Allium image on the side
local win = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, x-9, y, true) -- Create a window to prevent text from writing over the image
term.redirect(win) -- Redirect the terminal

local cli = {
info = {true, "[", colors.lime, "I", colors.white, "] "},
warn = {true, "[", colors.yellow, "W", colors.white, "] "},
error = {true, "[",, "E", colors.white, "] "}

local label = "<&r&dAll&5&h[[Hugeblank was here. Hi.]]&i[[]]i&r&dum&r>" --bot title
local raisin, color = require("raisin.raisin"), require("color") --Sponsored by roger109z
local allium, plugins, group = {}, {}, {thread = , command =}

term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
term.setBackgroundColor( -- Reset terminal and cursor
print(, "Loading ", colors.magenta, "All", colors.purple, "i", colors.magenta, "um")
print(, "Initializing API")

local label = "<&r&dAll&5&h[[Hugeblank was here. Hi.]]&i[[]]i&r&dum&r>" --bot title
local raisin, color = require("raisin.raisin"), require("color") --Sponsored by roger109z

local function deep_copy(table, list) -- Recursively copy a module
out = {}
if not list then
Expand All @@ -73,21 +49,45 @@ local function deep_copy(table, list) -- Recursively copy a module
return out

local cli = {
info = {true, "[", colors.lime, "I", colors.white, "] "},
warn = {true, "[", colors.yellow, "W", colors.white, "] "},
error = {true, "[",, "E", colors.white, "] "}

do -- Allium image setup <3
multishell.setTitle(multishell.getFocus(), "Allium")
local x, y = term.getSize()
paintutils.drawImage(paintutils.loadImage("allium.nfp"), x-7, 2) -- Draw the Allium image on the side
local win = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, x-9, y, true) -- Create a window to prevent text from writing over the image
term.redirect(win) -- Redirect the terminal
term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
term.setBackgroundColor( -- Reset terminal and cursor
print(, "Loading ", colors.magenta, "All", colors.purple, "i", colors.magenta, "um")
print(, "Initializing API")

allium.assert = function(condition, message, level)
if not condition then error(message, level+3 or 3) end
if not level then
level = 0
if not condition then error(message, level+3) end

local assert = allium.assert

allium.sanitize = function(name)
assert(type(name) == "string", "Invalid argument #1 (expected string, got "..type(name)..")")
return name:lower():gsub(" ", "-")
return name:lower():gsub(" ", "_"):gsub("[^a-z0-9_]", "")

allium.tell = function(name, message, alt_name)
assert(type(name) == "string", "Invalid argument #1 (expected string, got "..type(name)..")")
assert(type(message) == "string" or type(message) == "table", "Invalid argument #2 (expected string or table, got "..type(message)..")")
local test
message = message:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
if type(message) == "table" then
_, test = commands.tellraw(name, color.format(table.concat(message, "\n")))
Expand All @@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ allium.tell = function(name, message, alt_name)
return textutils.serialise(test)

allium.execute = function(name, command)
os.queueEvent("chat_capture", command, "", name)

allium.getPlayers = function()
local didexec, input = commands.exec("list")
local out = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,27 +142,6 @@ allium.forEachPlayer = function(func)

allium.getPosition = function(name)
assert(type(name) == "nil" or type(name) == "string", "Invalid argument #1 (expected string or nil, got "..type(name)..")")
local position = {} -- Player position values
local suc, tbl
parallel.waitForAll(function() -- Execute tp to player, and value check simultaneously for minimum latency
suc = commands.exec("tp @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,team=allium_trackers] "
end, function()
_, tbl = commands.exec("tp @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,team=allium_trackers] ~ ~ ~")
commands.exec("tp @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,team=allium_trackers] "..table.concat({commands.getBlockPosition()}, " "))
if suc then
local pos_str = tbl[1]:gsub("Teleported Armor Stand to ", ""):gsub("[,]", "")
for value in pos_str:gmatch("%S+") do
position[#position+1] = value
return false
return unpack(position)

allium.getInfo = function(plugin) -- Get the information of all plugins, or a single plugin
assert(plugin == nil or type(plugin) == "string", "Invalid argument #1 (nil or string expected, got"..type(plugin)..")")
if plugin then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,8 +188,8 @@ allium.register = function(p_name, fullname)
assert(type(command) == "function", "Invalid argument #2 (function expected, got "..type(command)..")")
assert(this.commands[real_name] == nil, "Invalid argument #2 (command exists under name "..real_name.." for plugin "")")
assert(type(info) == "string" or type(info) == "table" or not info, "Invalid argument #3 (string, table, or nil expected, got "..type(info)..")")
if type(info) == "string" then info = {generic = info} end
assert(info.generic, "Invalid argument #3 ('generic' info expected, none found)")
if type(info) == "string" then info = {info} end
assert(info[1], "Invalid argument #3 (info formatted table expected)")
this.commands[real_name] = {command = command, info = info, usage = usage}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +243,7 @@ allium.register = function(p_name, fullname)
return false

funcs.require = function(p_name) -- request the API from a specific plugin
funcs.import = function(p_name) -- request the API from a specific plugin
assert(type(p_name) == "string", "Invalid argument #1 (string expected, got "..type(p_name)..")")
p_name = allium.sanitize(p_name)
local timer = os.startTimer(5)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,16 +326,45 @@ end

local interpreter = function() -- Main command interpretation thread
while true do
local _, message, _, name = os.pullEvent("chat_capture") -- Pull chat messages
if string.find(message, "!") == 1 then -- Are they for allium?
local _, message, _, name, uuid = os.pullEvent("chat_capture") -- Pull chat messages
if message:find("!") == 1 then -- Are they for allium?
args = {}
for k in string.gmatch(message, "%S+") do -- Put all arguments spaced out into a table
for k in message:gmatch("%S+") do -- Put all arguments spaced out into a table
args[#args+1] = k
for i = 1, #args do
if args[i] then
local quote = args[i]:sub(1, 1):find("\"") -- Find quotes within arguments
if quote then
local j, end_quote = i
if args[i]:sub(-1, -1) ~= "\"" and #args[i] ~= 1 then -- If the quote isn't found in the same argument
while not (end_quote or j == #args) do -- Find the quote that matches with this one
j = j+1
end_quote = args[j]:sub(-1, -1):find("\"")
if end_quote then -- If there was an end quote
local message, size = "", 0
local function merge(str)
if #message+#str > size then
message = message..str.." "
size = #message
merge(args[i]:sub(2, -1))
merge(table.concat(args, " ", i+1, j-1))
args[i] = message..args[j]:sub(1, -2) -- Overwrite the first argument
for k = j, i+1, -1 do -- Then remove everything that was used
table.remove(args, k)
local cmd = args[1]:sub(2, -1) -- Strip the !
table.remove(args, 1) -- Remove the first parameter given (!command)
local cmd_exec
if not string.find(cmd, ":") then -- Did they not specify the plugin source?
if not cmd:find(":") then -- Did they not specify the plugin source?
for p_name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do -- Nope... gonna have to find it for them.
for c_name, data in pairs(plugin.commands) do
if c_name == cmd then --well I found it, but there may be more...
Expand All @@ -363,8 +375,8 @@ local interpreter = function() -- Main command interpretation thread
if cmd_exec then break end -- Exit this loop, we've found the command we're looking for
else -- Hey they did! +1 karma.
local splitat = string.find(cmd, ":")
local p_name, c_name = string.sub(cmd, 1, splitat-1), string.sub(cmd, splitat+1, -1)
local splitat = cmd:find(":")
local p_name, c_name = cmd:sub(1, splitat-1), cmd:sub(splitat+1, -1)
if plugins[p_name] then --check plugin existence
if plugins[p_name].commands[c_name] then --check command existence
cmd_exec = {data = plugins[p_name].commands[c_name], plugin = p_name, command = c_name} -- Split it into the function, and then the source
Expand All @@ -380,13 +392,14 @@ local interpreter = function() -- Main command interpretation thread
allium.tell(name, "&c"..(text or str))
usage =
usage =,
uuid = uuid
local function exec_command()
local stat, err = pcall(, name, args, data) --Let's execute the command in a safe environment that won't kill allium
if stat == false then--it crashed...
allium.tell(name, "&4"..cmd_exec.command.." crashed! This is likely not your fault, but the developer's. Please contact the developer of &a"..cmd_exec.plugin.."&4. Error:\n&c&h[[Click here to place error into chat prompt, so you may copy it if needed for an issue report]]&s[["..err.."]]"..err.."&r")
printError(cmd.." errored. Error:\n"..err)
allium.tell(name, "&4!"..cmd_exec.command.." crashed! This is likely not your fault, but the developer's. Please contact the developer of &a"..cmd_exec.plugin.."&4. Error:\n&c&h[[Click here to place error into chat prompt, so you may copy it if needed for an issue report]]&s[["..err.."]]"..err.."&r")
print(cli.warn, cmd.." | "..err)
raisin.thread.add(exec_command, 0, group.command)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,13 +443,6 @@ if not fs.exists("persistence.ltn") then --In the situation that this is a first

if not commands.exec("testfor @e[r=1,type=minecraft:armor_stand,team=allium_trackers]") then
commands.execAsync("kill @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,team=allium_trackers]")
commands.execAsync("scoreboard teams add allium_trackers")
commands.execAsync("summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Marker:1,NoGravity:1,Invisible:1}")
commands.execAsync("scoreboard teams join allium_trackers @e[r=1,type=minecraft:armor_stand]")

print(, "Allium started.")
allium.tell("@a", "&eHello World!")
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