-Ensure that you have both the JDK (Java Development Kit) and Prolog installed on your system.
1-Open the Windows/linux command prompt. Navigate to the directory where your files are located using the cd command. For example, if your files are in the folder "C:\path\to\files," type the following command: cd C:\path\to\files
2-Compile the Java files using the javac command:
javac App.java
This will compile the Java file and generate an "App.class" file in the same directory.
3-Compile the Prolog files using the specific Prolog compiler you are using. For example, if you are using SWI-Prolog, you can use the swipl command along with the Prolog file:
swipl -s test.pl -g true -t halt
swipl -s credit.pl -g true -t halt
swipl -s udpatesTransactions.pl -g true -t halt
swipl -s update_balance_plus_credit.pl -g true -t halt
4-After compiling the Java and Prolog files, you can execute the Java program using the java command.
Make sure to include the path to the Prolog JAR file (if necessary) using the -cp option:
java -cp .;path/to/prolog.jar App
Thanks for reading. Have a great day! 🌟