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Standard of adding and editing content

Trinea edited this page May 10, 2014 · 1 revision

Sort standard of adding new content to maintain a uniform format, facilitate other friends maintain it and do other things also.

###1. Classification and Labelling Major classification with ## tag , such as the current customed views classification.
Small classification with ### tag , such as ListView classification.
All projects, individuals, organizations are begin with 1. , because markdown will automatically increment as a serial.

###2. Writing project content The first line is 1. + project name, are begin with 1. , because markdown will automatically increment as a serial.
The second line is description of the project
The third line is Project Address: + url
Three lines above is necessary . Followed by optional lines as follows:

Example APK Address: Demo Apk: + url
Sample project addresses: Demo Project: + url
Renderings: Renderings: + ![Renderings](url)
API documentation or description Address: Document: + url
Official website: Official Website: + url
APP example: Similar App: + text, indicate which use this open source project or have a similar effect.
Online Demo Address: Online Demo: + url

Project content writing sample:

1. Android Auto Scroll ViewPager  
Android auto scroll ViewPager or ViewPager in ViewPager  
Project Address:  
Demo Apk:  
Demo Project:  
Renderings:! [Renderings](  

###3. Writing personal and organizational information
The first line is 1. plus the name of an individual or organization , are begin with 1. , because markdown will automatically increment as a serial.
The second line is information about an individual or organization
The third line is Github Address: + url
Three lines above is necessary . Followed by an optional line as follows:

Good open source projects or products: Masterpiece: + Text
Personal blog or organization homepage address : HomePage: + url
Other Description: Other: + Text

Personal and organizational information examples:

1. JakeWharton  
work at Square  
Github Address:  
Masterpiece: ActionBarSherlock, Android-ViewPagerIndicator, Nine Old Androids, SwipeToDismissNOA, hugo, butterknife, Android-DirectionalViewPager, scalpel  
pidcat, another on the square and other open-source projects have a lot of contribution  

PS: Different language versions must be maintenanced manually now, if someone have good idea, please tell me. Twitter: [trinea_cn@twitter](    Homepage: [](    E-mail: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
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