SlideBlast is a realtime, web-based presentation tool built using Erlang, Nitrogen and Riak. It lets you display slides to multiple people through the web, and ensures that all attendees are viewing the same slide.
You can download a self-contained Nitrogen install for your platform from here: Nitrogen Downloads. Unzipping the .tar.gz, will create a 'nitrogen' directory.
Alternatively, build from source:
git clone git://
cd nitrogen
make rel_inets
cd rel/nitrogen
Change to the rel/nitrogen/lib directory, then run:
hg clone
make -C protobuffs
hg clone
make -C riak-erlang-client
The default project contains skeleton code that we don't need. Delete the skeleton code:
rm -rf site
Now, pull the latest SlideBlast code from GitHub:
git clone git:// site
Set the Riak connection info in etc/app.config. Add these lines at the bottom of the 'nitrogen' configuration section:
% Specify the riak node.
{riak_ip, ""},
{riak_port, 8087}
Compile and start:
bin/nitrogen console
Browse to [http://localhost:8000]