This repository includes the pipeline and pre-trained models for patch-level and WSI-level glomerulus segmentation.
Models were trained on the KPIs and mice glomeruli datasets
Benchmarking on the KPIs and Mice glomeruli datasets. Pre-trained segmentation models are available publicly here
We use mmsegmentation package, please follow the installation guideline to install the inference code.
All pre-trained models are available in model zoo
See datasets for download and pre-process the KPIs and mice glomeruli datasets
import cv2
from mmseg.apis import init_model, inference_model
from mmengine.registry import init_default_scope
# init the default transform to mmseg
# define test_pipeline
test_pipeline = [
# example: load SegFormer model
config_path = ''
ckpt_path = 'segformer_mit_b5_kpis_768_best_mDice.pth'
model = init_model(config_path, ckpt_path)
# assign test_pipeline
model.cfg.test_pipeline = test_pipeline
# inference
img_data = cv2.imread('/path/to/your/image', -1)
pred_res = inference_model(model, img_data)
# get the predicted mask
raw_logits =
_, pred_mask = raw_logits.max(axis=0, keepdims=True)
pred_mask = pred_mask.cpu().numpy()[0]
Accept single image input or a directory of image patches (all patches must be from the same WSI).
Images and their ground-truth masks must be inside the /img/
and /mask/
For example, inference and apply stitching strategy
python \
--input KPIs24_Testing_Data/Task1_patch_level/test/DN/11-363 \
--config segformer_mit-b5_kpis_768/ \
--ckpt segformer_mit-b5_kpis_768/segformer_mit_b5_kpis_768_best_mDice.pth \
--img_size 2048 --stitch
See notebooks for a more detailed example.
Accept a single WSI input. WSI and its ground-truth mask must be available.
Inference on KPIs WSI
python \
--input KPIs24_Testing_Data/Task2_WSI_level/NEP25/18-579_wsi.tiff \
--config segformer_mit-b5_kpis_768/ \
--ckpt segformer_mit-b5_kpis_768/segformer_mit_b5_kpis_768_best_mDice.pth \
--patch_size 2048 --stride 1024
Inference on Mice glomeruli WSI
python \
--input Orbit_Glomeruli/test/4730025.tiff \
--config mask2former_swin-b_orbit_768/ \
--ckpt mask2former_swin-b_orbit_768/best_mDice_iter_33520.pth \
--patch_size 1024 --stride 512
title = {An Effective Pipeline for Whole-Slide Image Glomerulus Segmentation},
author = {Quan Huu Cap},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.04782},
year = {2024}