JavaScript is a front-end scripting language developed by Netscape for dynamic content
Lightweight, but with limited capabilities
Can be used as object-oriented language
Embedded in your HTML page
Interpreted by the Web browser
Client-side, mobile and desktop technology
Simple and flexible
Powerful to manipulate the DOM
There are a few ways to use today
Enable tags in Chrome and Firefox
Compile to JavaScript 5 using Traceur or Babel
var babel = require ( 'gulp-babel' ) ;
gulp . task ( 'build' , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( 'src/**/*.js' )
. pipe ( babel ( ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( 'dist' ) ) ;
} ) ;
ES6 introduces new ways to declare variables:
– creates a scope variable
– creates a constant variable
ES6 supports templated strings
let people = [ new Person ( 'Lionel' , 'Nguyen' ) ] ;
for ( let person of people ) {
log ( `Fullname: ${ person . fname } ${ person . lname } ` ) ;
ES6 adds a new feature (rule) to the way of defining properties:
let name = 'Lionel Nguyen' ,
age = 25 ;
let person = {
} ;
Destructuring assignments allow to set values to objects in an easier way:
let [ a , b ] = [ 1 , 2 ] ; //a = 1, b = 2
let [ x , , y ] = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] // x = 1, y = 3
let [ first , second , ] = people ;
let person = {
name : 'Doncho Minkov' ,
address : {
city : 'Sofia' ,
street : 'Aleksander Malinov'
} ;
let { name, address : { city} } = person ;
The for-of loop iterates over the values
let sum = 0 ;
for ( let number of [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) {
sum += number ;
function * generator ( maxValue ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < maxValue ; ++ i ) {
yield i ;
let iter = generator ( 10 ) ;
for ( let val of iter ( ) ) {
console . log ( val ) ;
Classes and Inheritance in ES6
ES6 introduces classes and a way to create classical OOP
class Person extends Mammal {
constructor ( fname , lname , age ) {
super ( age ) ;
this . _fname = fname ;
this . _lname = lname ;
get fullname ( ) {
//getter property of fullname
set fullname ( newFullName ) {
//setter property of fullname
// more class members…
Also called Lambda expressions
numbers . sort ( ( a , b ) => b – a ) ;
Arrow functions easify the creation of functions:
var fullnames2 = people . filter ( p => p . age >= 18 ) . map ( p => p . fullname ) ;
ES6 supports modules
A way to write JavaScript in different files
Each file has its own scope (not the global)
Each file decides what to export from its module
Export the objects you want from a module:
export { Person , Mammal } ;
To use the module in another file:
import { Person , Mammal } from './person' ;