- 1996 - Active Server Pages (ASP)
- 2002 – ASP.NET
- 2008 – ASP.NET MVC
- 2010 – ASP.NET Web Pages
- 2012 – ASP.NET Web API, SignalR
- 2014 – ASP.NET 5
- Rebuild from ground up
- Request pipeline light and fast
- Cross-platform
- Host Anywhere
- Better Performance
- Middlewares & Custom Middleware
- Package Management
- ASP.NET 5 introduces a new, lightweight way to manage dependencies in your projects
- No more assembly references
- Instead referencing NuGet packages
- project.json file
- ASP.NET 5 introduces a new, lightweight way to manage dependencies in your projects
- Other Improvements
- MVC, Web API, and Web Pages are merged into a single framework called MVC 6
- Solution layout
- MVC 6 Root files
- JSON configurations + CSharp
- Bower: JS + CSS frameworks
- Config: settings, connections
- Gulpfile: client build tasks
- Package: package versions
- Project: dependencies, secrets, commands, frameworks, excludes, scripts
- Startup: initialization code