- A single-page application (SPA) is a web application that fits on a single web page
- Page resources are retrieved either at page load or loaded in response to user actions
- The page does not reload at any point
- SPA apps can contain multiple fake pages
- Not real pages, but ones that look like a page
- A SPA application is build from some layers to meet the "separation of concerns"
- UI layer
- Contains Views (HTML, CSS and UI logic)
- Data layer
- A way to communicate with the server (mainly HTTP requests)
- Business layer
- The layer that connects the Data with the UI
- Contains controllers or view-models
- UI layer
- Many design patterns exist that solve the separation of concerns
- The most used patterns are the MV* patterns
- Model-View-*
- The * contains the business logic of the app
- MV* has three concrete implementations:
- MVC (Model-View-Controller)
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
- MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
- AngularJS is a full-featured SPA framework
- What make AngularJS so popular:
- Two-way data binding
- Templates
- Model-View-Whatever
- Dependency injection
- Open Source
- Comprehensive
- Testable
- …
- Controllers in Angular
- Have all the logic about a page
- Control the $scope object
- $scope object
- Two-way bound to the view
- Tracks any changes in view and updates itself
- Tracks any changes in JS and updates the view
class MyController {
constructor() {
this.hello = "Hi, guys!";
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="MyController as ctrl">
myApp.value('someValue', {
name: 'Lionel',
number: 5,
date: new Date()
myApp.constant('PI', 3.14);
- Services are:
- Reusable
- Dependency Injection
- Testable
- Three types
- Factory – the returned value
- Service – returns instance of the function
- Provider – can be configured
- Built-in Services
- $http – AJAX request
- $resource – AJAX with restfull services
- $q – Promise library
- $anchorScroll – Scrolls to element
- $cacheFactory – cache service (key-value pair)
- $compile – compiles element with directives
- $parse – parses expressions
- $locale – localization of dates, numbers
- $timeout – timeout with compiling
- $exceptionHandler – handling exceptions
- $filter – access to filter functions
- $cookieStore – cookie sessions usage
- Custom Service
class MyService {
/* @ngInject */
constructor($http) {
$http.get('api/products').then(response => this.data = response.data);
angular.module('myApp').service('MyService', MyService);
Path to part of the SPA
Not mapped URL to specific file or resource
Descriptive for the end user
Provides history and copy-paste functionality
Create Routes per module
ngRoute is too simple
angular.module('mstore', ['ngRoute'])
.config(/* @ngInject */($routeProvider) => {
.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'app/components/home/home.html',
controller: 'HomeControler',
controllerAs: 'home'
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });
- Angular 1.4 router
class AppController {
/* @ngInject */
constructor($router) {
{ path: '/home', component: 'home' },
{ path: '/', redirectTo: '/home' }
angular.module('mstore', ['ngNewRouter'])
.controller('AppController', AppController)
.controller('HomeController', HomeController)
.config(/* @ngInject */($componentLoaderProvider) => {
$componentLoaderProvider.setTemplateMapping(name => `components/${name}/${name}.html`);
- Extends HTML
- Make it easier for "dynamic" pages
- Easier to read document
- Domain specific tags
<address-name name="my address name"></address-name>
class AddressNameController {
upperName() { return this.name.toUpperCase(); }
const addressName = () => {
return {
replace: true,
scope: true,
bindToController: {
name: '@'
controller: AddressNameController,
controllerAs: 'addressName',
template: '<div>Address Name: {{ addressName.upperName() }}</div>'
angular.module('mstore').directive('addressName', addressName);
- One-time binding with
{{ ::obj.field }}
- Better performance with immutable data
- Reduces the need for custom directives
<div ng-repeat="prod in ::products.data track by prod.id">
<h4 ng-bind="::prod.name"></h4>
- Framework should be fast
- Framework should help developers be fast
- So Angular 2 is fast from the start
- Performance-first design
- Applications are fast by default
- AngularJS 1.x is built for current browsers while AngularJS 2.0 is being built for the browsers of the future.
- Full support for Web Components
- 1 Class + 2 @Annotations = 1 Web Comp.
- Full support for ES6
- Better performance
- Better tooling support
- First-class mobile support
- Concepts Eliminated in 2.0
- Controllers
- Directive Definition Object
- $scope
- angular.module
- jqLite
<address-name name="my address name"></address-name>
class AddressName {
upperName() { return this.name.toUpperCase(); }
selector: 'address-image',
bind: {
name: 'name'
inline: <div>Address Name: {{ upperName() }}</div>