Tensorflow 2
The hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) dataset can be downloaded from Pathology AI Platform.
- Download the raw WSI data.
- Prepare the patches.
- Store all the patches directory in a .csv file (refer patch_list.csv).
Manifold encoder training.
python manifold.py --tr_patch_list [CSV path] --val_patch_list [CSV path] --label_file [CSV path] --save_dir [folder path] --num_class 2 --num_NN 5 --num_cluster 10 --save_model_dir [folder path]
- Generate bag list in bag_list.csv.
python bag_list_generation.py --tr_patch_list [CSV path] --val_patch_list [CSV path] --te_patch_list [CSV path] --save_dir [folder path] --num_bag 50 --num_patchPerbag 100
- Feature extration based on bag_list.csv. Example of split_file.csv is in split_file.csv.
python feature_extraction.py --bag_list_dir [CSV path] --split_file [CSV path] --ckpt_dir [checkpoint path] --save_dir [folder path] --src_dir [folder_path]
Train simple MIL for classification.
python mil.py --feat_dir [folder path] --label_file [CSV path] --num_class 2 --save_model_dir [CSV path]
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