Handling/creating hybrid errors. Hybrid middleware between callbacks and throws.
Helpful util for modules that have hybrid APIs and want when they use promises, directly to throw the errors; when use callbacks to pass errors to first argument of this callback.
npm i --save handle-errors
npm test
For more use-cases see the tests
Useful when you have hybrid api like gitclone. If you work with promises then you will want to throw the errors, when callback is in use will handle it in 1st argument.
{String} some marker (package name?)stack
{Boolean} whentrue
property to the error objectreturn
{Error|TypeError} throws it or returncallback
var handleErrors = require('handle-errors')('my-pkg'/*, true*/);
handleErrors.error('some err message here');
//=> throws 'Error: [my-pkg] some error message here'
function _cb(err) {
// err instanceof Error
//=> 'Error: [my-pkg] some error message here'
//=> undefined
handleErrors.error('some err message here', _cb);
- hybridables
- hybridify
- hybridify-all
- then-got
- gitclone
- gitclone-cli
- handle-callback
- handle-arguments
- callback-and-promise
- thenify-all
- thenify
- thenables
Charlike Mike Reagent
Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Charlike Mike Reagent, contributors.
Released under the MIT
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