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Psycojoker edited this page Jul 24, 2011 · 10 revisions

Table of Contents

  • Storing CONTEXT-entities in YAML-files
  • Django: Sorted looping over dictionaries
  • Installing new Django apps and filters

Storing CONTEXT-entities in YAML-files

In this example, data resides in ROOTPATH/data/stuff.yaml. It is read in and can then be used in all your templates and documents.


   name: "table"
   price: "100$"
   name: "chair"
   price: "30$"

import yaml
CONTEXT['stuff'] = yaml.load( open(DATA_PATH + "/stuff.yaml") )


{% extends "skeleton/_body.html" %}
{% block content_body %}
{% for item in stuff %}
<p>A {{}} is worth {{item.price}}.</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

Django: Sorted looping over dictionaries

This is not hyde-specific, but a general Django issue. Suppose you have a dictionary of name abbrevs and full names

presidents = {
    'gebush': {'forename': 'George', 'surname': 'Bush'},
    'baobam': {'forename': 'Barack', 'surname': 'Obama'},
    'biclin': {'forename': 'Bill', 'surname': 'Clinton'},

Now, suppose you want to loop over the dictionary while sorting by surnames. Use the following Django template code:
{% for president in presidents.values|dictsort:"surname" %}
{{president.forename}} {{president.surname}}
{% endfor %}

Installing new Django apps and filters

In this example we want to obfuscate e-mail addresses with ROT13. It is as simple as that

  • create a dir django/ in your hyde directory
  • create the empty files django/mailobfuscate/ and django/mailobfuscate/templatetags/
  • Install the mail obfuscation snippet to django/mailobfuscate/templatetags/
  • add to your
    import sys
    DJANGO_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "django")
  • Add to INSTALLED_APPS in
  • In your content HTML file simply use
    {% load mailobfuscate %}{% filter obfuscate %}{% endfilter %}@