This project built a pipeline with multiple trained models to classify Chest X-Ray images into Normal/Penumonia/COVID-19.
- DVC pipeline (with simple CLI for setup and run) to version and reproduce the whole process
- Segmentation and Adaptive Histogram Equilization with OpenCV in preprocess
- Over 20,000 CXRs and labels
- Visualization of image transformation for clarification
- Trained models including ResNet, VGGNet in tensorflowCOVID-Net in pytorch.
- Augmentation in training
- Grad-CAM Visualization of model feature for clarification
- Hyperparameter tunning for ETL, training, evaluating, models, visualization.
Main software packages include:
- conda=4.9.1
- python=3.6
- pyspark=3.0.1
- pytorch=1.3.1
- tensorflow=2.3.1
- dvc==1.10.2
- torchvision=0.4.2
- scikit-learn
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- matplotlib=3.1.0
- pydicom
- opencv
- ipython
- notebook
- jupyter
- ipykernel
- pip
- Set up Python, Anaconda, Git, a cloned copy of the project
- Create environment with
conda env create -f env.yml
- Download data. See data source
- [Optional] Download COVID-Net models if you want. See model source
- For Windows OS, build pipeline with
For Windows OS, run pipeline with
The pipeline is built on DVC (Data Version Control). It caches and versions data flow, constructs a DAG (directed acyclic graph) used to reproduce the whole procedure. The DAG consists of series of ordered stages with dependenceis and outputs including hyperparameter setting. Each stage executes an OS-dependant cmd (only support Windows now). The pipeline executes a series of numbered main files (.ipynb, .py) located in ./src/main/
, and also computes hashes located in local ./.hash/
for the pipeline graph. Output of .ipynb
main files as part of stage cmds is converted to local HTML files for readability. Output .py
main file ./src/main/200
as part of stage cmd is redirected to local train.log.txt
for readability. Examples are displayed in ./main files demo/
is the hyperparameter file as part of the graph in DVC pipeline, and used for user to fine-tune the whole procedure from ETL, model setup to model training and visualization.
It fine-tunes:
- ETL: image size, crop area, spark control, segmentation control, adaptive or global histogram equilizaiton, etc.
- Model: model tool (tensorflow/pytorch), model name, model architect (VGG, ResNet, COVID-Net), transfer-learning control, etc.
- Train: epoch, learning rate, batch size, COVID-19 label weights in batch, COVID-19 label weights in optimization, etc.
- Visualization: example number, figure size for both transformation and model feature.
The current COVIDx dataset is constructed by the following open source chest radiography datasets:
- (which came from:
Use PySpark
to do ETL process with image meta. Transform image data including histogram equilization and segmentaiton with OpenCV
and prepare image data ready for PyTorch
See ./src/
, ./src/
for Spark ETL.
See ./src/
for image pre-training transform.
# total
Counter({'pneumonia': 11092, 'normal': 10340, 'covid': 617})
# test data from covid datasets:
Counter({2: 2219, 1: 2068, 0: 124})
# train data from covid datasets:
Counter({2: 8873, 1: 8272, 0: 493})
Supported models include VGG11
, VGG19
, ResNet18
, ResNet50
, COVID-Net-CXR-Large
, COVID-Net-CXR-Small
. ResNet and VGGNet are in PyTorch
and has complete computational model structure with weights. COVID-Net is from, it doesn't have full computational model but meta graph with saved weights checkpoints.
For COVID-Net tensorflow models, access metagraph and checkpoints source from
For VGGNet, ResNet pytorch models, access saved model from ./model/
- Learning curve - PPVs
- Learning curve - TPRs
- Learning curve - losses
- Confusion Matrix (horizontally normalized for PPV/Sensitivity/Specivity)
- In-training augmentation.
- Due to sample inbalance, batch weights and optimization weights for COVID-19 are balanced according to setup weights from
. - For VGGNet, ResNet, you can choose to train from refresh, from downloaded pretrained model with
, or from pretrained saved model in./model/
. For COVID-Net, you can choose to train form refresh or from previous checkpoint.
Two iteration of modeling and training results are currently available for ResNet.
Changes from iter1 to iter2:
- add histogram equilization
- add segmentation
- image shape from 224x224x3 to 480x480x1
ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
solve:\\- tensorflow 1.x default builds DO NOT include CPU instructions that fasten matrix computation including avx, avx2, etc,.
solve: see explains at\ see wheel downloads at\ install by 'pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade /path/target.whl' - COVID-Net is only a meta graph with saved checkpoints. Unable to visualize its features.
- collect new data for test
- CLI with more functionality