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COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Image Classification Research Project

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This project built a pipeline with multiple trained models to classify Chest X-Ray images into Normal/Penumonia/COVID-19.


  • DVC pipeline (with simple CLI for setup and run) to version and reproduce the whole process
  • Segmentation and Adaptive Histogram Equilization with OpenCV in preprocess
  • Over 20,000 CXRs and labels
  • Visualization of image transformation for clarification
  • Trained models including ResNet, VGGNet in tensorflowCOVID-Net in pytorch.
  • Augmentation in training
  • Grad-CAM Visualization of model feature for clarification
  • Hyperparameter tunning for ETL, training, evaluating, models, visualization.


Main software packages include:

  - conda=4.9.1
  - python=3.6
  - pyspark=3.0.1
  - pytorch=1.3.1
  - tensorflow=2.3.1
  - dvc==1.10.2
  - torchvision=0.4.2
  - scikit-learn
  - numpy
  - scipy
  - pandas
  - matplotlib=3.1.0
  - pydicom
  - opencv
  - ipython
  - notebook
  - jupyter
  - ipykernel
  - pip


  1. Set up Python, Anaconda, Git, a cloned copy of the project
  2. Create environment with
conda env create -f env.yml
  1. Download data. See data source
  2. [Optional] Download COVID-Net models if you want. See model source
  3. For Windows OS, build pipeline with


For Windows OS, run pipeline with



The pipeline is built on DVC (Data Version Control). It caches and versions data flow, constructs a DAG (directed acyclic graph) used to reproduce the whole procedure. The DAG consists of series of ordered stages with dependenceis and outputs including hyperparameter setting. Each stage executes an OS-dependant cmd (only support Windows now). The pipeline executes a series of numbered main files (.ipynb, .py) located in ./src/main/, and also computes hashes located in local ./.hash/ for the pipeline graph. Output of .ipynb main files as part of stage cmds is converted to local HTML files for readability. Output .py main file ./src/main/200 as part of stage cmd is redirected to local train.log.txt for readability. Examples are displayed in ./main files demo/.




params.yaml is the hyperparameter file as part of the graph in DVC pipeline, and used for user to fine-tune the whole procedure from ETL, model setup to model training and visualization. It fine-tunes:

  • ETL: image size, crop area, spark control, segmentation control, adaptive or global histogram equilizaiton, etc.
  • Model: model tool (tensorflow/pytorch), model name, model architect (VGG, ResNet, COVID-Net), transfer-learning control, etc.
  • Train: epoch, learning rate, batch size, COVID-19 label weights in batch, COVID-19 label weights in optimization, etc.
  • Visualization: example number, figure size for both transformation and model feature.


Data Source

The current COVIDx dataset is constructed by the following open source chest radiography datasets:


Use PySpark to do ETL process with image meta. Transform image data including histogram equilization and segmentaiton with OpenCV and prepare image data ready for PyTorch. See ./src/, ./src/ for Spark ETL. See ./src/ for image pre-training transform.

Data description:

# total
Counter({'pneumonia': 11092, 'normal': 10340, 'covid': 617})
# test data from covid datasets: 
Counter({2: 2219, 1: 2068, 0: 124})
# train data from covid datasets: 
Counter({2: 8873, 1: 8272, 0: 493})

Demo of Pretraining Transform

Transform Example


Supported models include VGG11, VGG19, ResNet18, ResNet50, COVID-Net-CXR-A, COVID-Net-CXR-Large, COVID-Net-CXR-Small. ResNet and VGGNet are in PyTorch and has complete computational model structure with weights. COVID-Net is from, it doesn't have full computational model but meta graph with saved weights checkpoints.

Trained model and weights

For COVID-Net tensorflow models, access metagraph and checkpoints source from For VGGNet, ResNet pytorch models, access saved model from ./model/

Demo of Grad-CAM visualization of model features

Grad-CAM Model Feature

Demo of model output metrics

  • Learning curve - PPVs image
  • Learning curve - TPRs image
  • Learning curve - losses image
  • Confusion Matrix (horizontally normalized for PPV/Sensitivity/Specivity) image

Train and Evaluate

  • In-training augmentation.
  • Due to sample inbalance, batch weights and optimization weights for COVID-19 are balanced according to setup weights from params.yaml.
  • For VGGNet, ResNet, you can choose to train from refresh, from downloaded pretrained model with torchvision, or from pretrained saved model in ./model/. For COVID-Net, you can choose to train form refresh or from previous checkpoint.


Two iteration of modeling and training results are currently available for ResNet.
Changes from iter1 to iter2:

  • add histogram equilization
  • add segmentation
  • image shape from 224x224x3 to 480x480x1


  1. ERROR Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
  2. tensorflow 1.x default builds DO NOT include CPU instructions that fasten matrix computation including avx, avx2, etc,.
    solve: see explains at\ see wheel downloads at\ install by 'pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade /path/target.whl'
  3. COVID-Net is only a meta graph with saved checkpoints. Unable to visualize its features.


  • collect new data for test
  • CLI with more functionality


COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Image Classification Research Project






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