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A responsive, static four card feature page styled with a CSS Grid layout.

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Frontend Mentor - Four card feature section solution

This is a solution to the Four card feature section challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Table of contents


This challenge is to create a four-card feature page for both mobile and desktop. The page includes a header, with a 3-column layout, where cards are aligned at different positions creating a plus-like cross on the page.

The task

This design needs to be responsive.


I approached this with a mobile-first workflow to practice this some more. I initially began with a Flexbox 3-column layout before having to switch it to Grid in the Desktop version. Once I did, this offered me much much more control.


I'm happy with the final design, but I'd like to gain confidence in knowing how to tackle problems with less detours, but I know this will come with practice and time. The design I made is fluid, accurate and works well. I'm happy with the code I wrote. I'd like to learn how to use Sass fully.

🧩 Live Site URL: (
✏️ Solution URL: (

My process

CSS Flexbox

  • I started with a mobile first approach to practice this workflow as I've tended to be more comfortable with the desktop-first workflow previously.
  • I planned out my HTML elements on paper. I initially decided to use a Flexbox layout with CSS since I had recently expanded my learning on this and wanted to implement it here.
  • I initialised a new git repository from the command line with ease this time!
  • I was able to implement the order property for the first time for the mobile version. This was really satisfying and so useful to be able to depend on now.
  • I noticed that I'm getting better at linking images quickly.
  • I finished the mobile so much faster than I thought I would - I was proud. It looked good and I completed it efficiently.
  • I mistakenly started with 425px first in my media queries. Now I know to always start with the smallest viewport and use min-width in media queries from there.
  • Flexbox was not working well on my desktop design. The content was overflowing and I didn't know what code to write to help it shrink. I wanted to use flex-shrink and flex-basis but wasn't sure which basis to set to allow proportionate shrinking. I also didn't know what, if any, width/min-width/max-width properties to use because the content seemed to default to overflow. I tried many options with no luck, including overflow and gap. I felt no control over my layout at this point, so I want to try Grid instead. I wondered how I could have anticipated this sooner to save myself time and work.


  • I downloaded Sass as a pre-processor, but was initially unclear as to how to use it.
  • I learnt a new Sass command:
sass input.scss output.css
  • I installed Sass syntax highlighting and the compiler to try Sass with this CSS file.
  • I wrote in some Sass with modules, nesting and variables, but once I used the Watch Sass button on VSCode, it stayed on Watching... forever. It also created an input.css as a result which I didn't expect. I had programmed sass input.scss output.css so I don't know why it did this. I abandoned it for now, but will try again because I like the idea of Sass and I'd like to use it in my code as CSS files get more complex and long.


  • I learnt new Git commands:

To remove a github repo file if you didn’t add it to the .gitignore at the beginning.

git rm —cached file-name
git commit -m “removed file-name”
git push

This removes it from the repo but not locally. If you want to remove it altogether, use:

git rm file-name

If you did that by accident, use:

git checkout HEAD — filename

CSS Grid

  • I did some research to refresh me on Grid. One article in particular helped me to differentiate it from Flexbox in my mind before starting (linked).
  • I reassured myself that changing the Desktop layout from Flex to Grid would be easy, and it was, thankfully. I arranged the Grid to add columns as the viewport widened.

Time taken ⏰

  • Mobile: 3 hrs
  • Desktop: 3.5 on Flexbox before realising I needed to ditch it, 1hr on Grid which worked better.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow



  1. order property implementation - So useful, I love not messing with my HTML
  2. New Git commands git rm
  3. Sass - I learnt some early syntax and implemented some modules, variables and nesting in my CSS but failed to succeed in compiling. I'll try again.
  4. Grid place-content shorthand
  5. I learnt and understood more about .gitignore

Take forward

❕ I feel more comfortable writing media queries now
❕ I'd like to practice more Sass compiling
❕ I'd like to practice more Flexbox and Grid
❕ I enjoy writing README's
❕ Markdown
❕ I work relatively fast

Useful resources

  • Learn Sass - Help me with introductory Sass syntax.
  • W3C Sass - Extended knowledge on Sass.
  • Grid - More in-depth dynamic article on CSS Grid.


A responsive, static four card feature page styled with a CSS Grid layout.






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