List of services that make use of SEF API to send invoices.
- Install library with Composer
- This library is in beta. Versioning is yet to be supported
EFakture is an Open Source library that will remain free. You are most welcomed to create issues and pull requests on github.
At this moment there is no special licence attached to this product. This will be addressed in the future. There is no intention to limit or in any way disrupt the usage of the library.
System depends on the UBL standard to create the objects that are to be sent to SEF.
UBL implementation that library depends on.
All responses from the SEF are built as objects in the Model directory.
Storing response results from the SEF is currently done in file system.
Support for other types of storage is covered through the use of StorageInterface
Cache folder is by default in location /tmp/sefStorage
Some of SEF responses are large so API can take some time to cache.
UBL directory contains adapters over standard UBL formats for the purpose of constructing the UBL for SEF and removing the complexity of class instantiation.
$browser = new \React\Http\Browser(); // Used for all the API calls
$apiKey = '*****'; // Obtain key from SEF
$apiService = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Util\EFaktureApi($browser, $apiKey); // Set of available API calls
$UnitMeasures = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Service\UnitMeasures();
$measures = $UnitMeasures->retrieve($apiService);
$storageManager = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\StorageManager(new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\FileSystemStorage(__DIR__.'/cache'));
$companies = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Service\Companies();
$companiesResourceStream = new \i3or1s\EFakture\ResourceStream\FileSystemResourceStream($storageManager->storage, EFakturaAPIRoutes::GET_ALL_COMPANIES->SEFObject());
$listOfCompanies = $companies->retrieve($apiService, $companiesResourceStream, 0,3);
For this call to work you should have generated list of companies in the cache.
$storageManager = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\StorageManager(new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\FileSystemStorage(__DIR__.'/cache', true));
$companies = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Service\Companies();
$companiesResourceStream = new \i3or1s\EFakture\ResourceStream\FileSystemResourceStream($storageManager->storage, EFakturaAPIRoutes::GET_ALL_COMPANIES->SEFObject());
$listOfCompanies = $companiesResourceStream->getStorageInterface()->seek(EFakturaAPIRoutes::GET_ALL_COMPANIES->SEFObject(), [
"registrationCode" => "08804516"
For this call to work you should have generated list of companies in the cache.
$storageManager = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\StorageManager(new \i3or1s\EFakture\Storage\FileSystemStorage(__DIR__.'/cache'));
$taxExemptionListService = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Service\ValueAddedTaxExemptionReasonList();
$taxExemptionResourceStream = new \i3or1s\EFakture\ResourceStream\FileSystemResourceStream($storageManager->storage, EFakturaAPIRoutes::VALUE_ADDED_TAX_EXEMPTION_LIST->SEFObject());
$taxExemptionList = $taxExemptionListService->retrieve($apiService, $taxExemptionResourceStream, 0,1);
Note: Company data should be valid in SEF in order for this to work
$invoice = new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\Invoice(
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\InvoiceDetails(
'invoice number (01/2022)', new DateTimeImmutable(), new DateTimeImmutable('+ 7days'), new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\CBC\InvoiceTypeCode(\i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\CBC\InvoiceTypeCode::COMMERCIAL_INVOICE),
'RSD', new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\CAC\InvoicePeriod(\i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\CAC\InvoicePeriod::DELIVERY_ACTUAL_DATE),
'123456', new DateTimeImmutable('+ 7days')
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\Party(
'company PIB', null, 'company name', null, 'city', 'RS',
'company Identification', 'e-mail address', true
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\Party(
'company PIB', null, 'company name', 'address', 'city',
'RS','company Identification', 'e-mail address', true
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\PaymentMeans(
'30', '(mod97) 123456/2022', 'Tekući račun pravnog lica'
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\TaxSubtotal(2801.15, 20),
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\TaxSubtotal(1825.28, 10),
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\TaxSubtotal(1560, 0, null, 'PDV-RS-11-1-4'),
6186.43, 6186.43, 6929.19, 0, 0, 6929.19,
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\InvoiceLine(5, $unitMeasures['MTR'], 560.23, 'test item 1', 20, 1),
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\InvoiceLine(4, $unitMeasures['KMT'], 456.32, 'test item 2', 10, 2),
new \i3or1s\EFakture\UBL\InvoiceLine(1, $unitMeasures['H87'], 1560, 'test item 3', 0, 3),
$invoiceService = new \i3or1s\EFakture\Service\Invoice();
$sefResponse = $invoiceService->send($apiService, $invoice);