来源于Github/Disassembler0,及YouTube/Craft Computing。主要进行了翻译,删重复,拆分以便编辑和注释掉可能不用优化的项目(就这样也花了我一整天才搞出来)。整个压缩包内包含了使用说明,优化部分1-7,以及其他可选优化。
- √ 关闭信息收集 --------------------- Disable Telemetry(关后无法加入Insider Program)
- √ 关闭Wi-Fi密码共享 ---------------- Disable Wi-Fi Sense
- √ 禁用Windows Defender阻止应用运行 - Disable SmartScreen Filter
- √ 关闭开始菜单内置Bing搜索 --------- Disable Start Menu Bing Search
- √ 禁用地理位置汇报 ----------------- Disable Location Tracking
- √ 禁用微软反馈 --------------------- Disable Feedback
- √ 禁用广告识别 --------------------- Disable Advertising ID
- √ 禁用小娜 ------------------------- Disable Cortana
- × 仅用本地网P2P更新Windows --------- Restrict Windows Update P2P only to local network
- √ 移除开机内核加载log生成+阻止创建 -- Remove AutoLogger file and restrict directory
- √ 禁用疑难解答信息收集 ------------- Stop and disable Diagnostics Tracking Service
- √ 降低用户账户控制UAC通知"设置变更弹窗"的弹出级别 - Lower UAC level
- √ 启用本机多用户共享本地网盘 -------------------- Enable sharing mapped drives between users
- × 关闭防火墙 ----------------------------------- Disable Firewall
- × 禁用Win自带杀软 ------------------------------ Disable Windows Defender
- √ 关闭Windows更新后自重启 ---------------------- Disable Windows Update automatic restart
- √ 关闭Windows家庭组相关服务 --------------------- Stop and disable Home Groups services
- √ 降低DMWAPPUSHService启动的优先级
- × 禁用通知中心(右下角消息)----------------- Disable Action Center
- × 禁用锁定(非公司电脑用) ------------------ Disable Lock screen
- √ 禁用自动播放(USB插入后自动扫描媒体)------- Disable Autoplay
- × 禁用程序自启动+CDROM双击直接打开exe ------- Disable Autorun for all drives
- √ 关闭粘滞键命令 --------------------------- Disable Sticky keys prompt
- √ 隐藏搜索框(开始菜单键直接输入即搜索)------ Hide Search button / box
- × 任务栏移除任务视图按钮 -------------------- Hide Task View button
- √ 小任务栏 --------------------------------- Show small icons in taskbar
- √ 任务栏程序满后再合并 ---------------------- Show titles in taskbar
- √ 隐藏所有小三角内图标 ---------------------- Hide tray icons as needed
- √ 显示后缀名 ------------------------------- Show known file extensions
- × 显示隐藏文件(系统用但影响文件夹和桌面排版)- Show hidden files
- √ 文件管理器默认打开我的电脑/此电脑 ---------- Change default Explorer view to "Computer"
- √ 桌面显示我的电脑/此电脑 ------------------- Show Computer shortcut on desktop
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除桌面 - Remove Desktop icon from computer namespace
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除文档 - Remove Documents icon from computer namespace
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除下载 - Remove Downloads icon from computer namespace
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除图片 - Remove Pictures icon from computer namespace
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除音乐 - Remove Music icon from computer namespace
- × 文件管理器左栏(Shell NameSpace)移除视频 - Remove Video icon from computer namespace
- × 添加副英语(美国)键盘(方便替换微软键盘为第三方用)- Add secondary en-US keyboard
- √ 禁用并彻底卸载OneDrive --- Disable and completely uninstall OneDrive
- × 卸载Windows自带WMP播放器 - Uninstall Windows Media Player
- √ 卸载工作文件夹功能 ------- Uninstall Work Folders Client
· 关闭以下Windows服务:
- √ 疑难解答的内核ETW信息收集 ----------------- Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
- √ 无线联网准入链接推送(公用无线网同意条款用)- WAP Push Message Routing Service
- √ 缓存地图管理器 --------------------------- Downloaded Maps Manager
- × 应用程序获知并共用单一TCP端口服务 --------- Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
- √ 远程桌面 -------------------------------- Routing and Remote Access
- × 远程注册表 ------------------------------ Remote Registry
- √ 外网已知连接共享(电脑做网关)------------- Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
- × 内网分布式链接跟踪(活动目录等功能,加入域后用)Distributed Link Tracking Client
- × 生物识别服务(指纹,脸部识别)------------- Windows Biometric Service
- × 无线网自动配置 --------------------------- WLAN AutoConfig
- √ Win自带播放器WMP的网络共享 ---------------- Windows Media Player Network Sharing
- × 安全中心 --------------------------------- Windows Security Center Service
- × 搜索 ------------------------------------- Windows Search
- √ Xbox Live Auth Manager
- √ Xbox Live Game Save Service
- √ Xbox Live Networking Service
- √ 流量监控 --------------------------------- Windows Network Data Usage Monitor
- √ 阻止Windows更新的自动下载及其P2P上传 ----------- Optimizes Windows updates by disabling automatic download and seeding
- × 禁止Windows自动更新硬件驱动 -------------------- Disable automatic driver update
· 卸载以下Windows预装+赞助商应用:
- √ Microsoft.3DBuilder
- √ Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml
- √ Microsoft.Appconnector
- √ Microsoft.BingFinance
- √ Microsoft.BingNews
- √ Microsoft.BingSports
- √ Microsoft.BingTranslator
- √ Microsoft.BingWeather
- × Microsoft.FreshPaint
- √ Microsoft.GamingServices
- √ Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
- √ Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
- √ Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
- √ Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
- √ Microsoft.MicrosoftPowerBIForWindows
- √ Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- × Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
- √ Microsoft.MinecraftUWP
- √ Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest
- √ Microsoft.Office.OneNote
- √ Microsoft.People
- √ Microsoft.Print3D
- √ Microsoft.SkypeApp
- √ Microsoft.Wallet
- × Microsoft.Windows.Photos
- × Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
- × Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
- × Microsoft.WindowsCamera
- √ microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
- √ Microsoft.WindowsMaps
- √ Microsoft.WindowsPhone
- √ Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
- × Microsoft.WindowsStore
- √ Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
- √ Microsoft.XboxApp
- √ Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
- √ Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
- √ Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
- √ Microsoft.YourPhone
- √ Microsoft.ZuneMusic
- √ Microsoft.ZuneVideo
- √ Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost
- √ Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager
- √ Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
- √ Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI
- √ Microsoft.CommsPhone
- √ Microsoft.ConnectivityStore
- √ Microsoft.GetHelp
- √ Microsoft.Getstarted
- √ Microsoft.Messaging
- √ Microsoft.Office.Sway
- √ Microsoft.OneConnect
- √ Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
- √ Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
- × Microsoft.MSPaint
- √ Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink
- √ Microsoft.BingHealthAndFitness
- √ Microsoft.BingTravel
- √ Microsoft.WindowsReadingList
- √ Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
- √ Microsoft.ScreenSketch
- √ Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
- √ Microsoft.YourPhone
- √ 2FE3CB00.PicsArt-PhotoStudio
- √ 46928bounde.EclipseManager
- √ 4DF9E0F8.Netflix
- √ 613EBCEA.PolarrPhotoEditorAcademicEdition
- √ 6Wunderkinder.Wunderlist
- √ 7EE7776C.LinkedInforWindows
- √ 89006A2E.AutodeskSketchBook
- √ 9E2F88E3.Twitter
- √ A278AB0D.DisneyMagicKingdoms
- √ A278AB0D.MarchofEmpires
- √ ActiproSoftwareLLC.562882FEEB491
- √ CAF9E577.Plex"
- √ ClearChannelRadioDigital.iHeartRadio
- √ D52A8D61.FarmVille2CountryEscape
- √ D5EA27B7.Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree
- √ DB6EA5DB.CyberLinkMediaSuiteEssentials
- √ DolbyLaboratories.DolbyAccess
- √ DolbyLaboratories.DolbyAccess
- √ Drawboard.DrawboardPDF
- √ Facebook.Facebook
- √ Fitbit.FitbitCoach
- √ Flipboard.Flipboard
- √ GAMELOFTSA.Asphalt8Airborne
- √ KeeperSecurityInc.Keeper
- √ PandoraMediaInc.29680B314EFC2
- √ Playtika.CaesarsSlotsFreeCasino
- √ ShazamEntertainmentLtd.Shazam
- √ SlingTVLLC.SlingTV
- √ SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic
- × TheNewYorkTimes.NYTCrossword
- √ ThumbmunkeysLtd.PhototasticCollage
- √ TuneIn.TuneInRadio
- √ WinZipComputing.WinZipUniversal
- √ flaregamesGmbH.RoyalRevolt2
- √ king.com.*
- √ king.com.BubbleWitch3Saga
- √ king.com.CandyCrushSaga
- √ king.com.CandyCrushSodaSaga
- × Microsoft.BioEnrollment
- × Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
- × Microsoft.Windows.Cortana
- × Microsoft.WindowsFeedback
- × Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI
- × Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider
- × Windows.ContactSupport"
- √ 阻止Windows重装卸载的预装应用 ----------------- Prevents Apps from re-installing
- √ 阻止Windows重装卸载的推荐应用 ----------------- Prevents "Suggested Applications" returning
- √ 密码永不过期 ---------------------------------- Password never expires
- √ 本机所有(包括未来添加)用户移除开始菜单所有瓷块 - Remove Start Menu Tiles
- √ 移除现有开始菜单排版文件 ----------------------- Delete layout file if it already exists
- √ 清除开始菜单排版缓存
- √ 移除正常安装要求输入的隐私设置(音识,位置,寻回,信息搜集,Ink/输入搜集等)- Disable Privacy Settings Experience
- √ 启用黑色主题 ---------------------------------- Windows Enable Dark Mode
- √ 禁用UWP应用后台自启动
- √ 禁用UWP应用声纹启动
- √ 禁用UWP应用通知信息访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用账户信息访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用联系人访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用日历信息访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用电话簿访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用通话记录访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用电子邮箱访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用的短信访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用的无线传输数据(如蓝牙)访问权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用的外部设备同步权限
- √ 禁用UWP应用的疑难解答信息访问权限
- × 禁用UWP应用的库和文件系统访问权限
- × 阻止创建UWP专用的Swap file(类似页文件Page file)
- × 修复右键新建文本文档项目缺失 ---- Restore Desktop Right click --> New --> .txt context menu
- × 去掉硬盘进度条 ----------------- Remove hard disk precentage bar
- × 桌面恢复右键排列图标 ------------ Restore Desktop Right click --> sort by context menu
- × 启用关机确认 ------------------- Enable shutdown confirmation button
- × 清除我的电脑/此电脑下快速访问 ---- Collapse Quick Access ribbon from This PC window
- × 右键新建去掉.rtf .psd和联系人 --- Remove Desktop Right click --> New --> .rtf, .psd & Contact context menu
- × 我的电脑/此电脑USB盘符去重复 ---- De-redundant the same USB drive showing twice in File Exp. Name Space
Craft Computing.
Windows Debloat Video URL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdKMiFKGQuc