🏃 Keep updating deep learning based multi-label image recognition (MLIR) methods with different settings.
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- Multi-label Image Recognition
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- Partial-label Multi-label Image Recognition
- Zero-shot Multi-label Image Recognition
- Few-shot Multi-label Image Recognition
Pub. | Title | Links |
WACV | Self-Supervised Pyramid Representation Learning for Multi-Label Visual Analysis and Beyond | Paper/Code |
WACV | ML-Decoder: Scalable and Versatile Classification Head | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Contextual Debiasing for Visual Recognition With Causal Mechanisms | Paper/Code |
ACM MM | Two-Stream Transformer for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
ACM MM | IDEA: Increasing Text Diversity via Online Multi-Label Recognition for Vision-Language Pre-training | Paper/Code |
TPAMI | Learning Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-Label Recognition and Applications | Paper/Code |
TIP | SST: Spatial and Semantic Transformers for Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
IJCAI | Boosting Multi-Label Image Classification with Complementary Parallel Self-Distillation | Paper/Code |
IJCAI | Fusion Label Enhancement for Multi-Label Learning | Paper/Code |
ICME | MLTR: Multi-Label Classification with Transformer | Paper/Code |
ICME | UFI: A Unified Feature Interaction Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
ICME | Diverse Instance Discovery: Vision-Transformer for Instance-Aware Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
NeurIPS | Recurrent Bayesian Classifier Chains for Exact Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
NeurIPS | Multi-Label Learning with Pairwise Relevance Ordering | Paper/Code |
ICLR | *Modeling Label Space Interactions in Multi-label Classification using Box Embeddings | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
ICCV | [TDRG] Transformer-based Dual Relation Graph for Multi-label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
ICCV | [ASL] Asymmetric Loss For Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
ICCV | [CSRA] Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition | Paper/Code |
ACM MM | [M3TR] M3TR: Multi-modal Multi-label Recognition with Transformer | Paper/Code |
CVPR | [C-Trans] General Multi-label Image Classification with Transformers | Paper/Code |
TPAMI | [P-GCN] Learning Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-Label Recognition and Applications | Paper/Code |
TIP | [MCAR] Learning to Discover Multi-Class Attentional Regions for Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
IJCAI | [GM-MLIC] GM-MLIC: Graph Matching based Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
AAAI | [DSDL] Deep Semantic Dictionary Learning for Multi-label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
AAAI | [MGTN] Modular Graph Transformer Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
ICME | Spatial-context-aware Deep Neural Network for Multi-class Image Classification | Paper/Code |
arxiv | MlTr: Multi-label Classification with Transformer | Paper/Code |
arxiv | Query2Label: A Simple Transformer Way to Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
CVPR | [PLA] Orderless_Recurrent_Models_for_Multi-Label_Classification | Paper/Code |
ECCV | [ADD-GCN] Attention-Driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
ACM MM | [SGTN] Privacy-Preserving Visual Content Tagging using Graph Transformer Networks | Paper/Code |
ACM MM | [AdaHGNN] AdaHGNN: Adaptive Hypergraph Neural Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
AAAI | [KSSNet] Multi-Label Classification with Label Graph Superimposing | Paper/Code |
AAAI | [MS-CMA] Cross-Modality Attention with Semantic Graph Embedding for Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
TMM | [DER] Disentangling, Embedding and Ranking Label Cues for Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
TMM | [TS-GCN] Joint Input and Output Space Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
TPAMI | [KGGR] Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
CVPR | [ML-GCN] Multi-Label Image Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks | Paper/Code |
CVPR | [VAC] Visual Attention Consistency under Image Transforms for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
ICCV | [SSGRL] Learning Semantic-Specific Graph Representation for Multi-Label Image Recognition | Paper/Code |
ICME | Multi-Label Image Recognition with Joint Class-Aware Map Disentangling and Label Correlation Embedding | Paper/Code |
TSCB | Multi-label Image Classification via Feature/Label Co-Projection | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
IJCAI | [MsDPD] Multi-scale and Discriminative Part Detectors Based Features for Multi-label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
CVPR | [SRN] Learning Spatial Regularization with Image-level Supervisions for Multi-label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
CVPR | [CNN-RNN] CNN-RNN: A Unified Framework for Multi-label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
ICCV | [WILDCAT] WILDCAT: Weakly Supervised Learning of Deep ConvNets for Image Classification, Pointwise Localization and Segmentation | Paper/Code |
ICCV | [RDAR] Multi-label Image Recognition by Recurrently Discovering Attentional Regions | Paper/Code |
AAAI | [Order-Free RNN] Order-Free RNN with Visual Attention for Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
TPAMI | [HCP] HCP: A Flexible CNN Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
ACM MM | Global Meets Local: Effective Multi-Label Image Classification via Category-Aware Weak Supervision | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Learning From Noisy Large-Scale Datasets With Minimal Supervision | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Weakly Supervised Image Classification through Noise Regularization | Paper/Code |
ACCV | Multi-label Learning from Noisy Labels with Non-linear Feature Transformation | Paper/Code |
ICMR | Confidence-basedWeighted Loss for Multi-label Classification with Missing Labels | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
TMM | Global-Local Label Correlation for Partial Multi-Label Learning | Paper/Code |
ECCV | Hyperspherical Learning in Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
ECCV | Acknowledging the Unknown for Multi-label Learning with Single Positive Labels | Paper/Code |
WACV | Spatial Consistency Loss for Training Multi-Label Classifiers From Single-Label Annotations | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Large Loss Matters in Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Classification | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Multi-Label Classification With Partial Annotations Using Class-Aware Selective Loss | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Multi-Label Iterated Learning for Image Classification With Label Ambiguity | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Learning a Deep ConvNet for Multi-label Classification with Partial Labels | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Interactive Multi-Label CNN Learning with Partial Labels | Paper/Code |
NeurIPS | Exploiting weakly supervised visual patterns to learn from partial annotations | Paper/Code |
AAAI | Structured Semantic Transfer for Multi-Label Recognition with Partial Labels | Paper/Code |
AAAI | Semantic-Aware Representation Blending for Multi-Label Image Recognition with Partial Labels | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
ICME | Generative and Adaptive Multi-Label Generalized Zero-Shot Learning | Paper/Code |
CVPR | Fast Zero-Shot Image Tagging | Paper/Unofficial Code |
CVPR | Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs | Paper/Code |
CVPR | A Shared Multi-Attention Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning | Paper/Code |
ICCV | Semantic Diversity Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-label Classification | Paper/Code |
Pub. | Title | Links |
AAAI | Inferring Prototypes for Multi-Label Few-Shot Image Classification with Word Vector Guided Attention | Paper/Code |
WACV | Meta-Learning for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification | Paper/Code |