This repository uses RiboTree-mRNA to optimize our mRNA sequences. However, the files related to RiboTree have been omitted from the repository since the tool is distributed with a license. The following sequences have been optimized.
- Anti PD1
- Anti PD1 nanobody
- Q-IL6-9 antibody
- Q-IL6-9 nanobody
- O-IL8-15 antibody
- O-IL8-15 nanobody
- CD36
$ sudo apt-get install gfortran
$ sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev liblapacke-dev
$ pip install setuptools networkx matplotlib scipy numpy pandas
#Path to EternaFold
eternafold: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/eternafold/src
# Vienna RNAfold 2 Linux build from source:
vienna: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/ViennaRNA-2.6.3/src/bin
vienna_2: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/ViennaRNA-2.6.3/src/bin
# CONTRAfold build
contrafold_2: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/contrafold-se/src
# LinearFold build
linearfold: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/LinearFold/bin
#LinearPartition build
linearpartition: /path/to/mRNA-Optimization/LinearPartition/bin
#directory to write temp files
TMP: /tmp
- Fixed InferenceEngine.hpp in
- Modify documentation for adding Vienna to arnie file in
- Fixed error with file deletion on first run in
- Deprecated pandas method in