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@andresailer andresailer released this 17 Oct 09:47
· 118 commits to master since this release


  • 2018-10-05 Erica Brondolin (PR#90)

    • In the tree the nHitsMC must be the number of hits that are reconstructed and that belong to the same particle.
  • 2018-08-23 Oleksandr Viazlo (PR#89)

    • Update FCCee_o1_v03_CED
      • add magnetic field
      • change color of Yoke
  • 2018-08-22 Marko Petric (PR#88)

    • Add FCCee_o1_v03_CED model into Visualisation folder. Model only suitable for event display not for simulation!
      • example usage: ced2go -t ced2go-template-DD4.xml -d FCCee_o1_v03_CED.xml data/REC/00010521/000/Z_uds_rec_10521_105.slcio
    • Final colour scheme still has to be decided by FCCee people
  • 2018-08-09 Emilia Leogrande (PR#87)

    • ConformalTracking: Set pT threshold to run extendHighPt as introduced in iLCSoft/ConformalTracking#42
      • Added to both clic and fccee steering files
  • 2018-07-06 Erica Brondolin (PR#86)

    • Clic Reconstruction: Update the Low Energy timing cuts: the variables "HcalBarrelLoose(/Tight)TimingCut" are now set consistently with the loose (tight) timing cuts imposed on neutral hadrons.
  • 2018-06-29 Emilia Leogrande (PR#85)

    • clicReconstruction.xml and fccReconstruction.xml: setup the configuration for ConformalTrackingV2
    • parameters match the configuration of old ConformalTracking
    • NB: parameters for clic and fcc are supposed to be different
  • 2018-06-29 Andre Sailer (PR#84)

    • Splitting fcc and clic configuration files into separate folders: clicConfig and fcceeConfig
  • 2018-06-27 Oleksandr Viazlo (PR#83)

    • enable Software Compensation for CLD
    • CLD calorimeter calibration constants for new default settings
    • correct CoilCorrectionMinInnerRadius value for CLD
  • 2018-06-25 Emilia Leogrande (PR#81)

    • Updates in the fccReconstruction.xml:
    • MCPhysicsParticles (instead of MCParticle) given as input to the RecoMCTruthLinker to make the MCParticlesSkimmed
    • SiTracks_Refitted added to the output collections in the DST
    • fixed setup for Overlay group
  • 2018-05-18 Emilia Leogrande (PR#80)

    • clicReconstruction: in ConformalTracking, added flag to enable tight cuts in the vertex combined (barrel+endcap) hits reconstruction
    • done similarly to fccReconstruction
    • to be upgraded soon with a more elegant solution
  • 2018-05-16 Emilia Leogrande (PR#79)

    • fccReconstruction: in ConformalTracking settings, added processor parameter to enable/disable the tight cuts for the combined vertex barrel + endcap reconstruction
    • default = true (enabled)
    • for FCCee, it needs to be disabled because of 10degrees tracks (2 hits in the vertex barrel + 6 in the endcap). Looser cuts allow to pick the vertex (b+e) hits in one track, otherwise tight cuts allow for a track made with a subset of hits, while the leftover hits are used for a second track
    • the external processor parameter is a temporary solution
  • 2018-04-26 Emilia Leogrande (PR#77)

    • Tracking/include(src)/ClicTrackingValidate.h(cc)
    • Processor to validate the tracking using MCParticle information at particle and hit level
    • Checks the misassociated hits (from wrong MCParticle) and the missed hits
  • 2018-04-26 Andre Sailer (PR#67)

    • Reconstruction: add all parameters for DDMarlinPandora, fixes #66
    • Reconstruction: DDMarlinPandora increase D0 and Z0 cut offs
    • Reconstruction: Add MCPhysicsParticles to DST output file
  • 2018-04-24 Emilia Leogrande (PR#76)

    • clicReconstruction.xml: Config.TrackingConformal runs the ConformalTracking + ClonesAndSplitTracksFinder, BUT with the option of mergeSplitTracks = false
    • mergeSplitTracks = true would enable also the merging of close tracks, which is still work in progress
    • same implementation updated also for fccReconstruction.xml
  • 2018-04-19 Emilia Leogrande (PR#75)

    • clicReconstruction.xml : edited AIDAprocessor root output file name
    • fccReconstruction.xml: edited AIDAprocessor root output file name, set new detector model and conformal tracking as default
  • 2018-04-19 Andre Sailer (PR#74)

    • CLICReco: ConformalTracking: add the new parameters for collection names in VXDBarrel/Endcap and MainTracker
    • FCCReco: ConformalTracking: add the new parameters for collection names in VXDBarrel/Endcap and MainTracker
  • 2018-04-17 Andre Sailer (PR#73)

    • ClicReconstruction: drop ConformalTracking+Extrapolator option for Tracking
    • FCCReconstruction: drop ConformalTracking+Extrapolator option for Tracking
    • ClicRecoConfig: drop alternative and broken Config names
    • FCCReconstruction: use correct TrackingChoices
  • 2018-03-23 Andre Sailer (PR#72)

    • ClicReconstruction::Overlay: correct the eventsPerBX numbers for L*=6m overlay instances
  • 2018-03-09 Nacho Garcia (PR#71)

    • Code to run the flavour-tagging training and produce performance plots.
  • 2018-03-05 Andre Sailer (PR#70)

    • Reconstruction: add overlay for 350GeV, 380GeV, and 3TeV L*=6m layout and L*=4.3m, keep CDR values in separate processors
  • 2018-03-02 Emilia Leogrande (PR#69)

    • examples/clicReconstruction.xml: added configuration for ClonesAndSplitTracksFinder
    • the processor is included in the Config.TrackingConformal condition, to run automatically after the conformal tracking
    • the output track collection from ClonesAndSplitTracksFinder is given as input to RefitFinal
    • analogous for fccReconstruction.xml
  • 2018-02-07 Emilia Leogrande (PR#61)

    • Tests/CMakeLists.txt: Added 3 tests for FCCee_o1_v02:
    • sim
    • reco_truth
    • reco_conformal
  • 2018-02-06 Emilia Leogrande (PR#65)

    • Lorentz boost set to 0.015 rad [NB: to be used on pairs files only if those have been produced without crossing angle. If this is not the case, set the Lorentz boost to 0.0]
    • fccReconstruction.xml: adjusted Overlay parameters to FCCee (number of BX, Delta_t, integration time windows per subdetector, number of events to overlay = 1 -- not Poissonian -- given that the gen files from GuineaPig contain 1 evt per file) and removed BeamCalReco (not available for FCCee yet)
    • CLICRecoConfig.h: added two options for FCCee background overlay (91GeV, 365GeV)
  • 2018-02-06 Andre Sailer (PR#64)

    • Simulation: add Lorentz boost for the crossing angle to
  • 2018-02-02 Andre Sailer (PR#63)

    • Reconstruction: add subClusterEnergyID to LumiCalReco and BeamCalReco
  • 2018-01-29 Andre Sailer (PR#62)

    • Use BeamCalReco for LumiCal reconstruction
    • Merge Cluster collections and feed all to RecoMCTruthLiner
    • Merge ReconstructedParticle collections and feed all o RecoMCTruthLinker
    • Only gives physics particles to RecoMCTruthLinker
    • Switch Tests to CLIC_o3_v14
  • 2018-01-18 Andre Sailer (PR#60)

    • Reconstruction: DST Files: add low energy Selected PFO collection
    • Fix typo in LE_TightSelectedPandoraPFOs
  • 2017-12-21 Emilia Leogrande (PR#59)

    • Updated steering files clicReconstruction.xml and fccReconstruction.xml
    • Single point resolutions in the tracker (inner and outer, barrel and endcap): 7um x 90um
    • all layers except 1st inner tracker endcap: still 5um x 5um
  • 2017-12-12 Andre Sailer (PR#57)

  • 2017-12-07 Matthias (PR#56)

    • new calibration constants for detector model CLIC_o3_v13
    • new photonlikelihood file, now derived in 12 instead of 9 energy bins
    • CLIC specific compensation weights, extend range and tuning in energy and energy density. Weights are derived from a sum of single particle neutron and K0L events (ratio 1:1), energy points from 2 GeV up to 1000 GeV
  • 2017-12-07 Andre Sailer (PR#55)

    • CLIC Reconstruction:
      • Add SiTracks_Refitted to DST Output, add LumiCal and BeamCal Cluster and RecoParticle to DST Output
      • Note that BeamCalReconstruction output collections have changed names to be consistent with LumiCalOutput
      • Add new options to ConformalTracking (iLCSoft/ConformalTracking#28, iLCSoft/ConformalTracking#29)
      • add call for running vtune on reconstruction (only works in CERN intranet)
        ctest -C PROF -R t_test_CLIC_o3_v13_reco_conformal_zuds_overlay_profile -V
  • 2017-12-06 Oleksandr Viazlo (PR#54)

    • Pandora settings for FCC-ee detector (no software compensation)
  • 2017-12-05 Emilia Leogrande (PR#50)

    • clicReconstruction.xml: removed unused processor (DDCellsAutomatonMV)
    • fccReconstruction.xml: new steering file for reconstruction with the FCCee detector (conformal tracking parameters are different than for CLIC)
  • 2017-12-04 Marko Petric (PR#53)

    • Update field stepping to Geant4 defaults
  • 2017-11-27 Emilia Leogrande (PR#51)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: perftree copied from TrackChecker
    • trueVertexR info added
    • innermost hit Radius added
  • 2017-11-08 Emilia Leogrande (PR#49)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: fixed storing of track purity: now done with a std::list<std::pair<MCParticle*,double>>, which stores the MCParticle associated to the track and the track purity
  • 2017-11-08 Emilia Leogrande (PR#48)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: added 'isSignal' flag for MCPhysicsParticles
    • MCPhysicsParticles collection is the output of the Overlay Processor
    • in case of no overlay, the MCParticle collection is used instead
    • clicReconstruction.xml: MCPhysicsParticles collection as input
  • 2017-10-20 Emilia Leogrande (PR#47)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: enabled simpleOutput tree (very important for efficiency plots)
  • 2017-10-18 Emilia Leogrande (PR#45)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: updated ILDLike cuts to accept unique hits only, i.e. hits from different subdetector layers, as in the default NHits cuts
  • 2017-10-18 Andre Sailer (PR#44)

    • Updated Tests to CLIC_o3_v13
    • Added tests running Z_uds events if EOS is available
    • Added more tests running valgrind (memcheck and massif), only if enabled
  • 2017-10-13 Emilia Leogrande (PR#43)
    Updated parameters for Conformal Tracking in clicReconstruction.xml

    • ThetaRange: from 0.03 to 0.05
    • MinClustersOnTrack: from 6 to 4
    • MaxChi2: from 50 to 100
  • 2017-10-06 Andre Sailer (PR#42)

  • 2017-10-02 Emilia Leogrande (PR#41)

    • ClicEfficiencyCalculator: added min distance between MCParticles in the simplifiedEfficiencyTree output
    • The distance is computed as the angular separation DeltaR = sqrt( DeltaEta^2 + DeltaPhi^2 )
  • 2017-09-15 Emilia Leogrande (PR#40)

    • Removed purity selection on reconstructed tracks to compute efficiency. This makes tracking efficiency independent on purity.
    • Added purity info in simplifiedEfficiencyTree: can be used to cut offline on the purity.
  • 2017-09-14 Emilia Leogrande (PR#39)

    • TrackChecker: added MCParticle PDG info in checktree
  • 2017-08-31 Andre Sailer (PR#38)

    • CLICEfficiency/HitResiduals/TrackChecker: use streamlog instead of cout
  • 2017-08-25 Andre Sailer (PR#37)

    • HitResiduals: protect against missing trackstate
    • HitResiduals: use AtIP instead of AtFirstHit
    • Reconstruction: fix typo in parameter value for RefitFinal (inconsequential as using default value anyway)
    • Reconstruction: use SiTracks_Refitted for HitResiduals and CLICEfficiencyCalculator
  • 2017-08-24 Emilia Leogrande (PR#35)

    • CLICRecoConfig: Updated Config for Tracking: Truth, ConformalPlusExtrapolator, Conformal
  • 2017-08-23 Matthias (PR#36)

    • Update in PandoraSettingsDefault, enable SoftwareCompensation, including new cleaning of clusters
    • change calibration constants in clicReconstruction to reflect changes in new Pandora default settings as well as switch to model CLIC_o3_v13, effectively removing the MaxHCalHitHadronicEnergy cut, used to scale hot hadrons with the previous PandoraSettings
    • newly adapted PhotonLikelihoodFile
  • 2017-08-22 Andre Sailer (PR#34)

    • Reco: add refit processor after the track reconstruction
  • 2017-08-21 Andre Sailer (PR#33)

    • Overlay processors now in a group to avoid duplicating parameters
    • Add overlay parameters for 350, 420, 500, and 1.4TeV
  • 2017-07-24 Andre Sailer (PR#32)

    • Add processor printing out current event number
    • overlay: add parameters for 380GeV
    • overlay: change Number of BX to overlay to 30 fitting the time interval