2022-11-08 Thomas Madlener (PR#155)
- Add a previously missed function declaration to the .aid file to fix the java bindings. Fixes #154
2022-10-19 Thomas Madlener (PR#153)
- Make c++17 the default and minimum c++ version for building LCIO. All "major builds" of LCIO have been using c++17 for at least a few years now, so this should not be a big issue.
2022-10-19 Thomas Madlener (PR#152)
- Remove macOS workflow since github hosted runners no longer support all necessary features. See also: AIDASoft/run-lcg-view#3
- Update used github actions to latest available version for better caching behavior and cleaner log outputs
- Switch to newer LCG releases for the build environments to target more recent compilers and python versions.
- Keep one build environment that is close to the one used for the iLCSoft v02-02 to avoid accidental breaks.
2022-10-19 Bohdan Dudar (PR#150)
- Added a utility function to calculate Track momentum based on its track parameters and magnetic field
- Added methods to the LCRelationNavigator that extract the highest weight with an option to indicate weight encoding type ("track"/"cluster").
- Added a utility function to get an index of a provided object inside a given LCCollection
- Added a utility function to return a leading track from ReconstructedParticle in case it has multiple tracks attached.