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vsc-ruby-rails README

Simple extension for Visual Studio Code (VSC / VSCode) that adds sample Ruby and Ruby on Rails (RoR) features.

Fix AI Timestamps in DB Migrations Rails Commands Ruby Commands TailwindCSS Commands


Currently implemented features (as tasks or commands):

  • Rails: Fix AI timestamps in db migrations - Renames user selected Rails DB migration files to ensure timestamps in the filenames conform to the Ruby on Rails format (YYYYMMDDHHmmss) and match the file creation time. Useful for migrations created with AI where the timestamp is usually in the past.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) features

  • Rails: Install Debug Config - Installs Rails debug configuration. See below for details.
  • Rails: Install rdbg VSC Launch Config - Installs rdbg VSC launch configuration. See below for details.
  • Rails: Server - Start Rails server with bin/rails server.
  • Rails: Console - Start Rails console with bin/rails c.
  • Rails: Dev - Start Rails development mode with bin/dev.
  • Rails: Debug - Start Rails debug mode with bin/debug.
  • Rails: Routes - Show Rails routes with bin/rails routes.
  • Rails: Clear Cache - Clear Rails cache with bin/rails runner 'Rails.cache.clear'.
  • Rails: DB Create - Create Rails database with bin/rails db:create.
  • Rails: DB Seed - Seed Rails database with bin/rails db:seed.
  • Rails: DB Migrate - Migrate Rails database with bin/rails db:migrate.
  • Rails: DB Console - Open Rails database console with bin/rails dbconsole.
  • Rails: DB Reset - Reset Rails database with bin/rails db:reset.
  • Rails: DB Drop - Drop Rails database with bin/rails db:drop.
  • Rails: Test - Run Rails tests with bin/rails test.
  • Rails: Assets Precompile - Precompile Rails assets with bin/rails assets:precompile.
  • Rails: Log Tail - Tail Rails development log with tail -f log/development.log.
  • Rails: About - List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment.
  • Rails: Action Mailbox Ingress Exim - Relay an inbound email from Exim to Action Mailbox.
  • Rails: Action Mailbox Ingress Postfix - Relay an inbound email from Postfix to Action Mailbox.
  • Rails: Action Mailbox Ingress Qmail - Relay an inbound email from Qmail to Action Mailbox.
  • Rails: Action Mailbox Install - Install Action Mailbox and its dependencies.
  • Rails: Action Mailbox Install Migrations - Copy migrations from action_mailbox to application.
  • Rails: Action Text Install - Copy over the migration, stylesheet, and JavaScript files.
  • Rails: Action Text Install Migrations - Copy migrations from action_text to application.
  • Rails: Active Storage Install - Copy over the migration needed to the application.
  • Rails: App Template - Apply the template supplied by LOCATION or URL.
  • Rails: App Update - Update configs and other generated files.
  • Rails: Assets Clean - Remove old files in config.assets.output_path.
  • Rails: Assets Clobber - Remove config.assets.output_path.
  • Rails: Assets Reveal - Print all assets available in config.assets.paths.
  • Rails: Assets Reveal Full - Print the full path of assets in config.assets.paths.
  • Rails: Boot - Boot the application and exit.
  • Rails: Cache Digests Dependencies - Lookup first-level dependencies for a template.
  • Rails: Cache Digests Nested Dependencies - Lookup nested dependencies for a template.
  • Rails: Credentials Diff - Enroll/disenroll in decrypted diffs of credentials using git.
  • Rails: Credentials Edit - Open the decrypted credentials for editing.
  • Rails: Credentials Show - Show the decrypted credentials.
  • Rails: Cucumber OK - Run features that should pass.
  • Rails: Cucumber Rerun - Record failing features and run only them if any exist.
  • Rails: Cucumber WIP - Run features that are being worked on.
  • Rails: DB Encryption Init - Generate keys for Active Record encryption.
  • Rails: db:create - Create the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV.
  • Rails: db:drop - Drop the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV.
  • Rails: db:encryption:init - Generate a set of keys for configuring Active Record encryption in a given environment.
  • Rails: db:environment:set - Set the environment value for the database.
  • Rails: db:fixtures:load - Load fixtures into the current environment's database.
  • Rails: db:migrate - Migrate the database.
  • Rails: db:migrate:down - Run the "down" for a given migration VERSION.
  • Rails: db:migrate:redo - Roll back the database one migration and re-migrate up.
  • Rails: db:migrate:status - Display status of migrations.
  • Rails: db:migrate:up - Run the "up" for a given migration VERSION.
  • Rails: db:prepare - Run setup if database does not exist, or run migrations if it does.
  • Rails: db:reset - Drop and recreate all databases from their schema and load the seeds.
  • Rails: db:rollback - Roll the schema back to the previous version.
  • Rails: db:schema:cache:clear - Clear a db/schema_cache.yml file.
  • Rails: db:schema:cache:dump - Create a db/schema_cache.yml file.
  • Rails: db:schema:dump - Create a database schema file.
  • Rails: db:schema:load - Load a database schema file into the database.
  • Rails: db:seed - Load the seed data from db/seeds.rb.
  • Rails: db:seed:replant - Truncate tables and load the seeds.
  • Rails: db:setup - Create all databases, load all schemas, and initialize with the seed data.
  • Rails: db:system:change - Change config/database.yml and your database gem to the target database.
  • Rails: db:version - Retrieve the current schema version number.
  • Rails: destroy - Remove code generated by bin/rails generate.
  • Rails: dev:cache - Toggle Action Controller development mode caching on/off.
  • Rails: devcontainer - Generate a Dev Container setup based on current application configuration.
  • Rails: encrypted:edit - Open the decrypted file for editing.
  • Rails: encrypted:show - Show the decrypted contents of the file.
  • Rails: importmap:install - Setup Importmap for the app.
  • Rails: initializers - Print out all defined initializers in the order they are invoked by Rails.
  • Rails: log:clear - Truncate all/specified *.log files in log/.
  • Rails: middleware - Print out your Rack middleware stack.
  • Rails: notes - Show comments in your code annotated with FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO.
  • Rails: restart - Restart app by touching tmp/restart.txt.
  • Rails: routes - List all the defined routes.
  • Rails: runner - Run Ruby code in the context of your application.
  • Rails: secret - Generate a cryptographically secure secret key.
  • Rails: solid_cable:install - Copy over the schema and set cable adapter for Solid Cable.
  • Rails: solid_cache:install - Copy over the migration, and set cache.
  • Rails: solid_queue:install - Install Solid Queue.
  • Rails: solid_queue:start - Start solid_queue supervisor to dispatch and process jobs.
  • Rails: stats - Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application or engine.
  • Rails: stimulus:install - Install Stimulus into the app.
  • Rails: stimulus:install:bun - Install Stimulus on an app running bun.
  • Rails: stimulus:install:importmap - Install Stimulus on an app running importmap-rails.
  • Rails: stimulus:install:node - Install Stimulus on an app running node.
  • Rails: stimulus:manifest:display - Show the current Stimulus manifest.
  • Rails: stimulus:manifest:update - Update the Stimulus manifest.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:install - Install Tailwind CSS into the app.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:build - Build your Tailwind CSS.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:build[debug] - Build your Tailwind CSS with debug.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:clobber - Remove CSS builds.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:watch - Watch and build your Tailwind CSS on file changes.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:watch[debug] - Watch and build your Tailwind CSS with debug.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:watch[poll] - Watch and build your Tailwind CSS with polling.
  • Rails: tailwindcss:watch[always] - Watch and build your Tailwind CSS always.
  • Rails: Test - Run tests using bin/rails test.
  • Rails: test:all - Run all tests, including system tests.
  • Rails: test:channels - Run tests in test/channels.
  • Rails: test:controllers - Run tests in test/controllers.
  • Rails: test:db - Reset the database and run tests.
  • Rails: test:functionals - Run functional tests.
  • Rails: test:generators - Run tests in test/lib/generators.
  • Rails: test:helpers - Run tests in test/helpers.
  • Rails: test:integration - Run integration tests.
  • Rails: test:jobs - Run tests in test/jobs.
  • Rails: test:mailboxes - Run tests in test/mailboxes.
  • Rails: test:mailers - Run tests in test/mailers.
  • Rails: test:models - Run tests in test/models.
  • Rails: test:units - Run unit tests.
  • Rails: time:zones[country_or_offset] - List all time zones.
  • Rails: tmp:clear - Clear cache, socket, and screenshot files from tmp/.
  • Rails: tmp:create - Create tmp directories.
  • Rails: turbo:install - Install Turbo into the app.
  • Rails: turbo:install:bun - Install Turbo with bun.
  • Rails: turbo:install:importmap - Install Turbo with importmap-rails.
  • Rails: turbo:install:node - Install Turbo with webpacker.
  • Rails: version - Show the Rails version.
  • Rails: yarn:install - Install all JavaScript dependencies as specified via Yarn.
  • Rails: zeitwerk:check - Check project structure for Zeitwerk compatibility.

Easily add new tasks and commands by modifying rubyTasks.json.

Ruby features

  • Run Ruby File via Ruby: Run file command
  • Show Ruby Version via Ruby: Show version command
  • Bundle Install via Ruby: Bundle install command
  • Install Debug Gem via Ruby: Install debug gem command

Generic Commands

  • Install Tasks - Creates or extends .vscode/tasks.json with all this extension's tasks from rubyTasks.json. It only adds tasks that are not already present in the file by comparing the command.

Note: The tasks added dynamically are not visible when you open Tasks: Run Tasks, only in Show All Tasks. Installing tasks makes them more accessible.

The advantage of the extension tasks (over the installed) is that they are available only if their conditions are met (e.g., if bin/rails exists for Run Rails Server, etc.).

Install rdbg VSC launch config

Creates .vscode/launch.json if not present. Adds the following config to .vscode/launch.json if not present.

With the debug gem installed (Install Debug Gem command), you can enable debugging for Ruby scripts and RoR apps by simply placing breakpoints in VSC and running Attach with rdbg.

  "type": "rdbg",
  "name": "Debug current file with rdbg",
  "request": "launch",
  "script": "${file}",
  "args": [],
  "askParameters": true
  "type": "rdbg",
  "name": "Attach with rdbg",
  "request": "attach"

Add Rails Debug Config

Assuming bin/dev and exist—for example, when a RoR app has Docker or devcontainers configured.

  • Duplicates bin/dev to bin/debug and makes it execute Procfile.debug instead of
  • Duplicates to Procfile.debug and adds rdbg to the web process.


Visual Studio Code extension for Ruby and Ruby on Rails







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